James Shaw Jr. Sir! Making America Great Again

he said “or whatever”. Has a leo come out and said the gun jammed? Regardless, he showed a lot of courage to pull the gun out of the shooters hand.

What I said is perfectly accurate according to his own words.

I have repeatedly commended the young man for his actions so what exactly is it you are taking issue with?

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The liberal ‘discussion’ is in disarray.

The issue is this…

but disarming a guy with a busted gun after the fact is just not that big of a deal

Its just not that big of a deal. That’s what people are upset about.

It is what it is. He didn’t go charging the guy while the gun was blazing away.

What he did though was a textbook perfect execution of setting up for, picking his time, and executing a successful counter ambush in self defense.

He took up a concealed and partially covered position, waited until the gun failed and launched his attack successfully.

And…hes a hero…just say it…you’ll feel better.

The bar for heroism is considerably higher than that for me.

Search my entire posting history and see how often I use that word.

The firearm could also have been unjammed. Mr Shaw had game of timing and opportunity and didn’t hesitate. And apparently he was the only one who sought to disarm the shooter.

“Could have been” is irrelevant. What’s relevant is what happened and what was going through his mind at the time he decided to launch his counter ambush.

As I said, I commend him for what he did. His is an example that will be used in numerous self defense courses in the future.

He took advantage of an opportunity when no one else did. He deserves credit.

He risked his life and probably saved the lives of others. What more do you want?

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And I’ve given him credit for it.

Hersay evidence. Jammed or whatever is no where close to it was jammed.


He won’t and can’t admit this James Shaw is a hero.

But that doesn’t change the fact that he is.


Who would charge a gun blazing away. That’s suicide.

He waited for his opportunity and pounced on the perp.


Hearsay? Shaw is the person who said it was jammed. or “whatever”. Either way he’s stating he knew the gun was not functional.

Nope, gun was not confirmed jammed.

Law enforcement has made no such claims.

Sorry you are going to have to do better than hersay evidence from a civilian with his adeniline up sky high.

The thing Shaw did realize is that the shooting had stopped and he pounced on the perp.


The only thing that Shaw knew was that the shooting stopped, he had not idea wether the gun was functional or not.


Someone willing to sacrifice their life to save others. Those are people properly deemed as heroes and heroines.

If you spend much time studying self defense videos you’ll occasionally see a few of them. If you ever served in combat you might have been lucky enough to see some of them firsthand.

What Shaw did was to exercise one of the most basic things animals do which is to act in their own defense out of a sense of self preservation.

As I said, he also planned, acted, and executed it perfectly for which I commend him.

Planning LOL.

I was by the seat of his pants.

He was scared after getting grazed by a bullet and took action.

Planning? He rushed the gunman at full speed and disarmed him.

no planning involved, Just grim determination and luck the gunman did not open fire once again.
