James Clapper: Russia DEFINITELY did sway the election to Trump

Helping give Hillary the opponent she wanted, should have been enough. It should have been a tremendous help to her.

When did Russian meddling start, exactly? Can you give me a date?

During the primaries. It was trying to give Hillary the opponent she wanted.

Before Russian propaganda and fake news targeted Hillary Clinton, it went after Republican opponents of Donald Trump, including Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Lindsey Graham, as well as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, according to a cyber security expert who testified before the Senate Thursday.

Clint Watts, of George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, said during a break in a rare Senate Intelligence Committee public hearing that the one constant of the Russian campaign was “pumping up Trump.”"

That just shows they wanted Trump from the beginning.

Not Clinton.

Do you honestly think you’re fooling anyone?

I’m not trying to fool anyone. During the primaries, Russia’s interests paralleled Hillary Clinton’s.

Only when you take an extremely limited and therefore misleading view of the matter.

You’re full of it and that’s not misleading.

Not really. When you limit your scope you can come to the wrong conclusion. Like a blind man grabbing the trunk of a elephant and thinking he has a snake.

Your implying that Russia intended to help Clinton when the full picture is that they only intended to help Trump.

I said that, during the primaries, Russia’s interest paralleled Hillary’s.
The chances of them randomly selecting the same candidate out of 17 is 1 in 289.

There’s nothing random about their selection. They both picked Trump for the same reason. He’s a complete idiot. Clinton thought an idiot would be easier to beat. Russia thought an idiot would be easier to manipulate.

Clinton got who she wanted as an opponent. Do you realize what a leg up that is in an election?

Her assessment of who would be easier to beat seems like it was incorrect. They say you can never put too much faith in the American people. That doesn’t seem to be the case any longer.

Your position makes no sense. During the primaries, Russia attacked Clinton and supported Sanders. Along with attacking the other GOP nominees and supporting Trump. How can attacks on Clinton and support given to her primary opponent equate to being a parallel interest of hers? :confused:

Before Russian propaganda and fake news targeted Hillary Clinton, it went after Republican opponents of Donald Trump, including Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Lindsey Graham, as well as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, according to a cyber security expert who testified before the Senate Thursday.

That does not negate the reality that the attacks against Clinton and the support offered for her opponent were a far cry from a parallel interest of hers.

You’re on the ropes.
You’re double talk gives you away.

During the primaries, both Russia and Hillary wanted Trump as the GOP candidate. They had a common goal in that respect.

Irrelevant to the fact that her interest would not be in being attacked by Russia while her opponent was being supported by them. Again, your position is illogical and makes zero sense. You’re trying to pull a single thread, and ignoring the totality of context. It is an irrational approach to viewing the situation. Such a narrow scope leads you to false conclusions. You have to observe all of the evidence, not just cherry-pick singular items to support a position, if you wish to be taken seriously on this issue my friend.

If politicians could do what you guys seem to think the Russians did, on the money they spent, US politicians could save themselves hundreds of millions of dollars just duplicating the way the Russians did things. You guys are the ones on the rope as well as totally delusional.

And to think if Obama administration wasn’t spying on Trump campaign Trump could have won even more votes, more states and thus larger electoral college.

Hillary had the advantage.

Huh? Can you detail how this alleged “spying” as you call it equated to lost votes for Trump?