J’Biden vows To Veto Any Bill Protecting Women’s Sports

She will shoot “her” way into the bathroom if “she” has to. Great! Exposed for what “she” is … Bat ■■■■ crazy!

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Hey i knew I was an Autobot at 4 years old.

I should have been allowed to transition into a sports car. My grandparents were clearly oppressive anti-transformers.


Hmm using violence to get what you want…

Isn’t that a tool of facism?


Well, why not? We’re shooting people for fetching basketballs, knocking on doors, and turning cars around.

We may as well start having shoot-outs in bathrooms.

And none of those cases were justified.

Shooting up a bathroom would be just as wrong and immoral.

Don’t be silly. It would be her stand against tyranny. She she might even be standing some ground.

Dude stop. That’s not how that works.

She has the right to defend herself with a firearm. To keep and bear.

She has no right to shoot someone for no valid reason like that. That is misuse of a firearm. Just like the guy shot that girl for a basketball rolling into his yard misused his firearm.

I get what you’re trying to do, but it’s asinine.

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I never claimed she had the right to shoot people, but she does have the right to defend herself if attacked.

So folks might want to start checking themselves if they are tempted to harass people going into the bathroom.

Look, I get it. The 2nd was super cool when it was a right wing thing, and it was great for intimidating Libs. But alas: you are the victims of your own success, and the left is arming up too.

I for one am proud to support the 2nd amendment, and her God given right to self defense.

Did I ever say I had an issue with the left arming theirselves?

No. I have never said I have a problem with it. I fully support it. I’m happy to see it. You won’t find a post of me decrying it.

I’ve also stated in numerous threads that I am proud to see LGBT people starting to arm theirselves for the defense of theirselves and their communities.

I support everyone being armed. So put down that broad brush. I’m not a victim of my own success because to me more people taking advantage of their second amendment right is my long term goal. I don’t care about their political views or identity. They are citizens with the same rights as me and I’m happy to see them take their own defense into their own hands.

So once again, that broad brush can get put back into the broom closet. I have been ideologically consistent on this matter.

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Cool. Welcome aboard! :+1:

No “we’re” not. Criminals are doing ■■■■ like that. If this man shoots hid way into a woman’s bathroom, he is a criminal regardless of what gender he identifies as.

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Just stop. Stupidity is not a valid argument.

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You notice how that video is not taken down? You notice how no one condemns his call to violence?

He is supporting the “correct” cause, so certain rules for others do not apply.

Also why you wil not be seeing the Nashville manifesto. I’ll be surprised if it is ever released. It’s probably full of all this kind of crap and more.


Trans is crazy. Championing trans is crazy too.

They have always been the dregs of humanity, weirdos with kicked out teeth haunting roadside rest stops, now they are in cabinet positions.

My first thought is that someone needs to point out to him that his toxic maleness is showing. The other is that stepping into the ladies room with some grandmother, and her grand daughters, might be a .380 or 9mm mistake.

Meh, he’s an obvious internet warrior, maybe if he could round up ten to one odds he would be a threat. Still not good to advocate violence. God help him if he comes to my town and wants to pee with little girls.

Incorrect. When administered before onset of puberty, it stops all of those changes from happening.

Obviously not at age 4. The idea is to delay the onset of puberty, so more like age 9 or so.

And you have no moral issue with that at all? Delaying natural bodily growth in minors? We as a society don’t let them drive a car on public roadways but by golly gee you can cancel your own puberty. You’re old enough to make that kind of decision.

I have a ton of issues with that. There has to be some sort of standard with these situations. Otherwise why are we restricting them from drinking whisky?

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