J’Biden vows To Veto Any Bill Protecting Women’s Sports

Frankenstein science


Why? Are you saying a “trans” male cannot train to compete against another biological male?
Is there another chromosome category?

Some certainly can, but they don’t have inherent advantages and if anything, they are disadvantaged. One way of looking at it is simply a blanket ban on all trans athletes outside of intramural sports. That way you are not ruling solely against Trans Females.

I just don’t see the need for Trans people to compete in competitive sports segregated by sex. They can still enjoy sport and exercise, but I don’t see the benefit vs. the potential harm it causes.

Inelegantly written, mea culpa. Better to say “with the biologic group or gender they identify with”.

How about we cut the “biological cis gendered presented as a he him she her bs”.

Men….and women.

That’s what we are.

Adults who might decide to somehow alter that simple fact are still what they were the day the were born. Male or Female. That was not somehow assigned…it’s not an evolving decision over time. Why do we need to complicate the simplest biology on the planet exactly?

You wanna be trans your choice…but when it comes to which bathroom to use, which locker room to change in, and the possibility of competing against members of the opposite sex you need to stay with whatever your birth certificate said the day you were born.

The rights of the actual women in sports need tp take some priority over the people who are pretending to be a woman.


In their minds they are not pretending. Over a period of time this apparently does psychological harm.

This is not the type of thing a woman would say.



Leftists enjoy using worthless titles and descriptors for a couple of reasons:

  1. It separates them from the normal/patriarcal/Christian/boomer/jock/successful society.
  2. All they have to use as identities are traits and beliefs. All they have accomplished in life is being born a certain way or picking up a trendy cause they perceive to be noble like veganism or green movement.


Charming POS

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[quote=“WuWei, post:109, topic:244650, full:true”]

They aren’t biologically identifying with anything. They were born male or female and that’s what they are…

We need to stop with the psychobabble


:rofl: That doughy, water-head fat body get hit so hard his driver’s license picture get a black eye.

Real dogs don’t ride in purses.

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I support real women.

A bloated morbidly obese tick tocker broadcasts from his recliner. He’s going to try to use the wrong lady’s room and a couple of well trained gals will kick his fat arse.


Wu, I must say you’ve outdone yourself with that one.

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And real women don’t talk like that. Or should I say ladies. God only knows there are some bottom of the barrel, born as females out there that give ladies a bad name.


Chances are you’ll be vomiting blood and dying before that happens.

Hormones don’t remove the muscular, cardiovascular, lung capacity, and bone density advantages males have over females.

It somewhat reduces it, but not the point where it can be dismissed entirely.

Also in what ■■■■■■■ world should four year olds be given hormone blockers?

Dude I’m not anti trans at all. But that is some straight nonsense.

Same goes for anyone with a psychosis.