J’Biden vows To Veto Any Bill Protecting Women’s Sports

And libs are really good at perverting our society…


Can I get an Amen?


If you have ever read anything on the NEA website you would not be surprised by this crap at all.

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Yeah and got expelled, now they can claim to be a woman and get a free peep show. I’m sure biological women love that they have to shower with boys now.

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Clearly why Biden wants to alter AI to remove conclusions that don’t fit the narrative.
A machine will look at all the facts available from a thousand cases and identify a woman. A Biden Supreme Court nominee doesn’t know what a woman is. Clearly AI has to be “corrected”.


Here’s what Merriam-Webster says…

: an adult female person
: a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) —usually used in combination

It’s not that hard.

The left is using the abuse of our language as a weapon in the destruction of the country.

My favorite example is the word racist…which leftists have watered down to a meaningless expression trying to claim that everything is racist.

The definition of a woman is easy.

“Adult female” ain’t that tough.

Here’s a good piece from the Washington Times.

“There’s a “challenge” at the southern border, not a “crisis.” Migrant children are being held in “reception centers” not “cages.” Instead of “border security,” it’s “border safety.” Deleted are the phrases “legal and illegal,” replaced with “authorized and unauthorized.”

“Democrats are using their political power to change the English language — to blur the meaning of what’s right versus wrong of what’s politically correct versus incorrect. Living in a world of cancel culture it all becomes perilous to the average American — what words can be used to describe what, without offending?

And it’s intentional. The left has long tried to redefine the meaning of words to their political advantage and in many cases have succeeded. Remember last fall, when then-Judge Amy Coney Barrett was criticized for using the term “sexual preference,” in responding to a question about legal protections for the LGBT community during her confirmation hearing?

“Sexual preference” was weaponized by the left for being a homophobic slur. The correct term is “sexual orientation,” PBS News’ Yamiche Alcindor quickly pointed out at the time. The Advocate called Justice Barrett’s comment “a revealing moment,” and CNN political commentator David Axelrod mused, “I wonder if [Barrett] views heterosexuality as a ‘preference.’”

Never mind, Democrats have been using the term “sexual preference” for ages — then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden used it on the campaign trail in May. Most alarming in Justice Barrett’s case is after she uttered the term, Merriam-Webster updated its definition of “preference” to include the word’s usage in certain contexts may be “offensive.”

Toward the end of the piece…

“Creating new definitions for existing words or creating new words entirely is being used by Democrats to redefine our republic. As columnist Jim Harbison pointed out several years ago, for a stable society to exist, there must be a common language, with commonly accepted and understood words.”


If only someone had warned us about this.


With real women being a majority

Great post

“Somebody did it, why are you complaining now?!”

Critical Pedagogy.

The problem is; women exist.

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Exactly. Totalitarians have been using double-speak for a long time.


Personally, I’m for control of school sports to be in the hands of the state, but if you are going to pass a federal law and have it approved by the courts, you have to comply with that law even when you have gone on to different narratives. You wanted title IX…follow it.


There’s no such thing as “women’s sports” anymore. There’s a dress code.


As it exists now there are various governing bodies…

School boards…the state…the NCAA in college…

I just did an interview with the commissioner of a women’s rodeo organization their bylaws specifically state a minimum age and born female. It’s sad that it’s come to that.

It’s not hard …

Men are men…women are women. Girls are girls…boys are boys. See how easy that was.

Gender reassignment doesn’t change that.

If the transgendered want to compete ok…

if you were born a woman you are still a woman, compete as a woman. If you were born a man you are still a man compete as a man. And stay the hell out of the women’s locker room.

Or start trans events …those are the two options we should be considering.


The left is simply taking advantage of a decades old campaign to dumb down the masses through substandard worthless public education. Their activist “teachers” have been indoctrinated to carry out the agenda with the support of their unions headed by the likes of Ms. (I think) Whinegarden :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Those who have been fortunate to have a quality education see through these incremental attempts to politicize everything through misrepresentation of the English language.
Politicians just exasperate the folly by taking up the “cause” if they want to desperately hold on to their power.
With an ignorant populace everything is possible.


Thank you House Republicans…

“ House Republicans on Thursday passed a bill that seeks to prohibit transgender women and girls from participating in female athletic programs, moving to the national stage an issue that has thus far mainly played out in state legislatures and individual sports associations.

The legislation — titled the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act and sponsored by Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) — passed in a party-line 219-203 vote. It is the first standalone bill to restrict the rights of transgender people considered in the House.”

The bill, which failed to advance during the last three Congresses, would amend Title IX — the federal civil rights law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in education — to recognize sex as that which is “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3960635-house-republicans-pass-bill-to-ban-transgender-women-girls-from-school-sports-teams/

Too bad liberals and democrats don’t respect women enough to consider this legislation.

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They’re beholden to the trans “movement”.
Transgenders choose their lifestyle , it’s their right I suppose. They do not have the right to force their choice of lifestyle down the throats of others that choose to live as heterosexual female and male.
They do not have the right to compete in women’s sports with an unfair physical advantage because they “identify” as female. Our daughters, wives and women who train endlessly to compete only to be outscored by a freak-a-zoid that wants to strut around the females locker room exposing his male genatalia is sick.