J’Biden vows To Veto Any Bill Protecting Women’s Sports

There is a third option:

If people would except the fact that many people transition mentally when they are very very young, sometimes as young as four, and stopped trying to prevent access to gender affirming medication, then trans girls would be on a level playing field with cis girls. Of course, at a certain point, cis girls would have an advantage over trans girls, since they would be postpubescent, and develop muscle mass etc. consistent with adolescent and adult women. Meanwhile, the trans girls, who are only on puberty blockers, will not. Of course, if the trans girls start taking gender affirming hormone treatment, which will allow them to develop in the matter of a woman, then they would all be on a level playing field.

The problem comes, with trans Women who do not transition until after going through puberty as a male. I don’t have any good solution for that, other than that they should not be allowed to compete against cis women in sportswear strength is a factor. The problem comes up when trans girls are not allowed to develop as a woman, or are required to develop as a male, because then they will never have the opportunity to participate in sports consistent with their gender.

What the anti-trans community is advocating is a Hobsons choice-either compete as a male or don’t compete at all. This is because there is opposition to allowing trans girls to actually transition. Of course, the same is true, vice versa, but people seem to have far less concerned about individuals who develop as females competing in male sports. the only seeming objection is that females will not be able to compete against men in strength related activities. Of course, we all know there are exceptions.

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Good Lord!


The pedo-enabling never ends. It’s mind-boggling how fast this became mainstream on the left.


Transition to what mentally? How does a boy know what a girl is “mentally”?


What do expect when many of them can’t figure out what the definition of a woman is?

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They know what it is, they want to change it.

If they can redefine “woman”, they can redefine anything.

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If you are born a male you will never develop into a woman. Just a fake imitation.

No they don’t. That is nothing but projection by a very mentally sick adult.


Looks to me like lib men are waging a war on women. :woman_shrugging:


Four year olds…

No I don’t accept that.

What’s a cis girl….the human race consists of male and female. All the new cute expressions created by leftists in the last few years are just nonsense.


Pretending that kids young enough to still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny know that they want to change their sex is silly.

People pushing children in that direction should be prosecuted for child abuse.

I completely reject your premise.


100% agree. Children should be removed from their custody.


“Men” being a very generous descriptor at this point. :wink:




Very true. Real men know how to appreciate women.

Lib males just aren’t sure what a woman is.


Always be able to identify code words. lol


The vast majority of them have never known a real woman. They’re just as confused as the dudes in dresses.


Great post…100% agree.


Probably incels.

I’ve only ever seen an angry lesbian use that word. :rofl:

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Yet, they will tell you adamantly they are not confused at all. You are wrong, they are right.

So, a libby leftist guy marries a man who is posing as a women. How many children are they going to make together naturally? :laughing:

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Hoarders don’t think they’re hoarders.

Schizos don’t think they’re schizos.

Trans people don’t think they’re being bat ■■■■ crazy for attention.
