J’Biden vows To Veto Any Bill Protecting Women’s Sports

Well here’s the astute J’Biden Secretary of Education that heads up the DOE, an organization that has never educated anyone. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
This chooch either does not know or will not answer a simple question as to “what a woman is”!

It’s apparent these crit-progs want boys pretending to be little girls showering in the girls locker rooms.
Way to go suburb women, bet you didn’t see this coming.
Own it and watch it Dads, if you go to a school board meeting you might get arrested!

No more mean tweets


Woman…is a man…with a womb…hence the name. Damn…that was ezpz. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Now think people…protecting “all transgenders” actually means that it would have to be at the sacrifice of women. There are no women who believe they’re men, kicking mens’ butts in sports. It’s a one-way street so…is that “all”?

This is a real life example of the Emperor’s new clothes. Do you see the clothes or is the emperor naked?

Talk to me Goose. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


The perv in the WH needs to be “vetoed” out of office in 2024.

The SOB needs his ass impeached….he has completely failed to enforce the law at the southern border allowing America to be invaded and getting 10’s of thousands of our citizens killed by the fentanyl crossing that border….

And he has lied completely about his relationship to his son and brother’s overseas influence peddling schemes. It should be obvious to everyone that at a time when we need strength and good judgement in the White House re China what we have is a bought and paid for Chinese stooge.

Joe Biden and his family are despicable people.

But I regress that’s off the thread topic.

I do not care if someone chooses to try to be something he or she is not … up to the point where they start violating everyone else’s rights. Putting men in competition with women who’ve worked their whole lives under title 9 and are now seeing that washed away by a bunch of lib dumbassery is wrong.

Putting men in women’s locker rooms ought to be called out not just as immoral and dangerous but I can’t believe it’s not illegal.

Another stupid public policy move by the idiot left.

(Did I sugar coat that enough or should I tell you what I really think?)

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Now having said everything I said above here’s what I don’t understand…

The people with the power to stop this are the mom’s and dad’s of America.

Why aren’t they in defense of their kids.

They should be storming this White House and the house and senate with pitchforks and torches (figuratively at least) demanding common sense for their kids. Why aren’t they?

Moms in particular…I don’t care if you’re a conservative or a big lib…do you want men in you locker room…in sone public restroom with your daughter?

Has this corrupt administration beaten people up the point that they are afraid to speak…or has sone stupidity really taken our country that far from decency and common sense?

Inquiring minds seriously want to know.

What about Brandonites? Just consider what they’ve done to this country due to basing important decisions applying their feelings, instead of using their brains. How many lies were told by the MSM and the political establishment about Trump…that have been fully exposed and yet…Brandonites are not even slightly bothered by it. How despicable is that? Have you seen any posts regarding the corruption within the Brandon family by libs here in Hannity Land? I haven’t. Isn’t that despicable too?

The only and obvious solution is a third category.

Men…Women…competing as non biological birth assignment.

I am being very nice here.

Could have used Other.

That is nice. A better alternate category would be freaks of nature.


You can’t have a third category, or rather if you do, it will contain a few male to female athletes hoping a female to male shows up for them to beat.


That’s the puzzlement to me.

I don’t care if you are a lefty…

This administration wants to put men in the shower with your daughters.

Maybe libs will pipe up like they did with the 1619 project and crt and all the other crap in our schools “no that’s not happening!”. I posted the link about about will Thomas and his male anatomy in the women’s locker room so yes it is.

If we can’t agree on anything else can we not agree that this is wrong?


This is the only way to move forward.

There must be a third category.

Sure it will be a money vacuum.


To me there are two options….

A) compete in the gender on your birth certificate. Realistically if you were born a dude you are still a dude.

B) do the same hard work women in sports have done for decades and start your own trans events.

The trans made a decision to go to the doctor and do all the stuff to try to become something other than their birth certificate.

It’s not up to the women in sports to forfeit their events to trans people just because of they made that choice.


Now I have to clean off my computer screen.


The third category is being propagated.


I guess even AI knows a poser when it hears it.


…and is ok with males who believe they’re females to compete with females…absolutely incinerating all of their preparation and years of hard work. There are so many fronts of despicable…it’s despicable.

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Yep, and they’ll keep voting for it! “Thank you sir, may I have another?” :rofl:

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Why democrats women want eunuchs taking over their sport programs is beyond me…

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