I've Been Thinking - Policies, Climate Change, Healthcare

Good gosh. I can remember it seems like not too long ago when I would go to my bank and there would be lines of people to see numerous clerks. Now banks are semi empty buildings where people are doing their banking online.

check out how much of that food is wasted, or never reaches the pop

Apparently Peter has never seen an ATM.

And what are you going to do about it?

How will you get excess fresh fruit and vegetables from the US to starving people in Africa before it spoils?

What will we do when our population grows to a point we can no longer afford to export food at all and find ourselves having food shortages?

Most of Africa isn’t suffering from distribution problems, it’s suffering from too damned many mouths to feed and nothing to feed them.

It is legal. The government has no say. I leave it to the Good Lord to judge.

You treasure one. I treasure one. Plural.

Solution to problems people create. Without people, what problems are there?

thats incorrect. theres enough food for everyone on the planet

it’s “governments” and corruption that are the problem. not numbers

a bit harshly reductive i would say.

sure no people, no social problems

thats what the left says. “earth would be so much better off if there were no people”

dont do that. they ruin enough

That isn’t remotely accurate.

I’ll ask again, how will you get excess fresh produce from the US to Africa?

Do you expect US farmers to simply give away their crops to feed starving populations around the world?

Even if we could beam it at no charge to wherever it’s needed we’ll soon exceed the carrying capacity of the planet in which case food rationing world wide and forced population reduction would be required to save what remains.

Take a look at nature and see what happens when populations exceed carrying capacity?

You have starvation, disease and a fight to the death over an ever more rapidly dwindling supply.

Totally serious.

How is automation of menial tasks a problem? What is the “do something “ about it look like?

You misspelled Doug, but under the “automation of entry level jobs is a problem” banner, there wouldn’t be any ATMs because automation of entry level jobs is a problem and bank teller jobs would be protected and not allowed to be automated.

Unless I’m misreading what “automation of entry level jobs is a problem “ and it’s potential solutions entails. To me it entails legislation that prevents the automation of jobs.

Which when you say it out loud sounds really silly and misguided.

IMO…the root cause of most of our problems today, is our government’s past poor decision making of yesterday.

The current need to raise minimum wage to a living wage is due to so many living wage jobs being shipped out of our country and then allowing those goods to be sold back into the economy without any penalties. That move was/is devastating. Who benefited? The answer are those that are making large political donations.

Then…years later…because the number of jobs available that allow individuals to provide for their families have been dramatically reduced, the suicide rate of white males has skyrocketed. We have rampant homelessness in part because the number of jobs available has declined due to employers not being able to afford to pay these high wages. Seattle is the picture post card example of this.

As a result of their not being both a united father and mother in a home, the offspring do not have the balance and preparedness to enter adulthood, we have an opioid epidemic among those same youth.

When I start thinking about the many problems of our current society today, I can easily trace it back to poor government decisions of yesterday…period.

True or not?

Because it removes entry level positions for new workers.

Kill the machines.

The new workers should be able to find something better to do with their human intellect than compete for a job that only requires machinery. Isn’t it better to find solutions in that direction?

Edit: realized that I was thinking about work in a narrow way.

They don’t have “human intellect” on the job on day one. It sounds like you feel they can sit around and think about stuff as soon as HR has their paperwork done?

Sitting around and thinking is what humans evolved to be best at. The physical labor is a waste of time and should be minimized with machines as much as possible.

Ideally, we should come up with solutions that help as many people as possible support themselves with brainpower.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: well that’s not true at all. All it takes is simple observation to see what current entry level personnel “have evolved to be best at” is mindlessly scrolling on cell phones while mouth-breathing.

Even if all they can do is socialize with other people online, that’s something that a machine cannot do. Every one of those entry level brains is a priceless resource and we should do our best to make a society that monetizes them.

Those entry level backs, feet, and hands aren’t worth much of anything because we can engineer better devices.