It's time. Fire Comer and Jordan. Dereliction of duty

Are you waiting to find out why the big guy got ten percent or what the 30 million bucks was for? I’m waiting to read that.

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Doesnt matter, it’s not on Biden to prove his innocence. That is not how our system works.

It does matter if millions of people believe their president is a bribe takin, inflation causin, hair sniffin, baby lickin, war losin, grumpy old bag of bones who can’t even find his way off a stage without help.
That’s EXACTLY how our system works.

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What a complete load of ■■■■■■■■■ There is nothing that mandates the President or any president to prove their innocence.

Please quote me the law, guideline or anything that states this.

Voters deciding to vote or not vote for him based on these allegations is completely separate.

“People believe” got Obama to release his birth certificate and that didn’t change anything, they added his college transcripts as a second demand. Biden would be a fool to get into any of this.


With all due respect to those millions of people … So ■■■■■■ what?


Just tell me what the crime was.

It sunds like you are hemming and hawing and trying to avoid saying
“Joe Biden accepted $30 million fomr somebody in return for doing something.”

Spell it out.
Aside from “acting suspiciously in Washington DC,” what is the allegation?

You know what’s going on.

Everybody else knows as well.

Spell it out.
What is the allegation (against Joe Biden)?

When the House recently impeached Sec. Mayorkas no crime was alleged.
Just “not doing his job.” He is guilty of that, but that is not a crime and not an impeachable offense.

There is plenty of valid reason to investigate Joe Biden, (not investigating his own son, selective prosecution of Donald Trump etc.) but unless and until such investigations produce a concrete allegation then Comer and Jordan are doing their jobs perfectly.

So, what is the allegation?

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You know.

Sounds like you are defending Biden much like a Liz Cheney would. :roll_eyes:

No I am not defending Joe Biden.
I am defending Comer and Jordan.

“Impeach him on false charges because I don’t like him” is tyranny.
I said that regarding Trump and I’ll say it now.

It is right to investigate Joe Biden, but if the investigation turns up nothing impeachable then Comer and Jordan are doing their jobs perfectly.
Oh and if I know then don’t :chicken:be afraid :chicken: to say it out loud.
What crime did Joe Biden allegedly commit?

Say it. Spell it out. Be specific.

But then Comer and Jordan need fo say that

Comer has always been a bit of a fool, but its funny to see the long praised Gym Jordan take a tumble here.

The only reason for this investigation was to dirty up Biden in the election. Too bad there wasn’t any evidence.

As I said earlier I suspect they were told that the evidence was there and jumped the gun a bit because they wanted it to be true.

Perhaps, but an equally valid explanation is that they knew just how bad the evidence was and went ahead because of the all the headlines they could get along the way. I know that’s cynical view, but heck, they’re politicians and merit a cynical look.

they are free to
a.) Do what the Dems did and hand down two ridiculous politicized impeach bills (obviously I recommend against that.)
b.) keep the investigations open
c.) recommend (or appoint) a new special prosecutor.

I doubt they will get any further than Robert Hur did (special counsel who decided Joe Biden could be prosecuted and would be if he were you or me or any ordinary citizen but is too senile and incompetent to stand trial.)

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They were told that by a Russian spy.

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I just want this merry go round of constant impeachments threats to stop.

But both sides are entrenched and so this will continue

It can be inferred from the Hur report that
1.) Joe Biden committed one or more crime.
2.) The crime is prosecutable for you for me for any normal citizen. (It is therefore impeachable and the Congressional investigations are, or at least were, 100% fully-warranted and correct)
3.) He would likely avoid conviction either by pleading insanity or by repeatedly claiming to be an incompetent old fool who does not recall things.

Honestly I think that is a very very good reason why Robert Hur should have gone ahead and prosecuted.


When Hur released his report, and Joe Biden claimed he was actually fit to stand trial the impeachment should have been handed down right then and there.

Since that was not done, it is best not to do so now unless they can come up with a good strong case beginning with the simple statement
“Joe Biden did thing ‘A’ on date ‘B’ and that violates such-and-such a ;aw.”