It's time. Fire Comer and Jordan. Dereliction of duty

Ok folks. Enough is enough. No more oversight committees that refuse to provide oversight. Endless investigations the last months or years. Taking years to do things that should take weeks. An impeachment enquiry that never ends. And every week it seems like yet another pointless investigation is opened. I don’t care how many damned investigations these clowns open. I care about how many they close. And at this point the grand total is zero. Incompetence of biblical proportions. Five months until the election and STILL, all we get is talk, talk, talk. Meanwhile they get schooled by the democrats on how to operate an “investigation.” I don’t believe these two slugs are lacking evidence. I don’t think they’re lying. They have exactly what they say they have. They just refuse to budge. Both totally useless.

Funny how you’re missing the actual reason nothing came of this. So weird.


I suspect the none movement is because they have no evidence. They made bold claims before they had any evidence, hoping those they were relying on would come through and then they got nothing.

They are relying on Trump not to make it an issue then the majority of his supporters will not make it an issue.

Could the information they have be obtained via a freedom of information request?

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Nothing usually comes when a President feels he can just ignore subpoenas.

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Funny how your reading comprehension is that of a small child. So weird.
Somehow you missed this:
I don’t believe these two slugs are lacking evidence. I don’t think they’re lying. They have exactly what they say they have.

Oh, and one more thing. You also, for some dumb reason think that I’m trying to convince libs that your bag of bones is corrupt. I’m not. You already know he is. You just don’t care. I’m trying to convince these two clowns to stop talking and do something.

On another note. In the past, I have tried to have civil discussions with you. But you make it impossible. Your anger issues get in the way. I’m sorry for you.


Those 2 clowns can’t do anything because there is nothing. They were playing to the crowd the whole time.


I’m going to miss those news interviews where Comer looks absolutely go smacked and befuddled as he admits he still doesn’t have any evidence of anything. Lol.

Maybe he can get the band back together next year. But after 8 years of MAGA the House is left holding the House by ONE VOTE so that’s looking not likely.

It was delicious while it lasted though.


Why wouldn’t they do something if they had evidence?

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Time to expand the conspiracy


I don’t. I don’t think they’re liars. I suspect that the reason the Biden’s refuse to explain anything is that they have no explanation for the 30 million. Again. I really am not trying to convince libs of anything. Y’all are not the issue. I want conservatives to at least demand an explanation as to why these two can’t seem to wrap this up.

It’s not unfair to point out the House Republicans are so pathetic at the moment that I believe they’ve failed to pass the procedural vote to start an investigation three of the last five times they’ve tried?

That’s usually a thing that literally just requires a quorum to show up and bam. A morning maybe.

Incorrect. You have no evidence of that. If I’m wrong, please provide. All I want is for the Biden’s to explain the 30 million. If it’s legit, then so be it. So far they refuse to even acknowledge it. To me. that raises suspicion. What about you?

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Isn’t that what I just asked? How the hell would I know? I’m want THEM to tell me.
I basically want to know the same things you do. For example: What did they do to get paid 30 million dollars? That’s a REALLY bad look for a politician. Agreed?
Oh, and I also want them to wrap it up and present their case. Just as you do.

Since there is no reason for them not to do something if they have evidence of a crime - in fact, they would be heroes and would ensure a GOP romp in 2024 - I suggest that is evidence they in fact do not have any evidence…


What makes it not legit?

They have to tell us why it isn’t legit… not for the Biden’s to prove that it isn’t.

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What did Jared Kushner do to get paid $2 Billion?

It isn’t up to Jared Kushner to prove that it is legit… it is up to… if an investigation happens… the investigation to show why it is not.


Just a few questions

  1. Why the hell do you think this Impeachment inquiry is taking so damned long?
  2. What is preventing them from impeaching?
  3. Why haven’t they presented their evidence to the DOJ and the American people on live T.V?
  4. When did they subpoena Joe?
  5. How can you possibly be happy with how this has gone down?

I wasn’t asking you. You don’t have a clue. I’m asking them.

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I wasn’t asking you. You don’t have a clue. I’m asking them.

But they still haven’t explained what the 30 million was for. Just like you, I want to know.

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All of those questions are answered with … they don’t have anything.