It's time. Fire Comer and Jordan. Dereliction of duty

How the hell would we know? What was the result of the DOJ investigation? What is Schumer saying about it? Maybe you should push for them to wrap it up like I am doing with the republicans? Make sense?

Because the election is months away.

no evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor is the simplest explanation.

See above.

Because thatā€™s a step too far even for these clowns.

Iā€™m not. Itā€™s a waste of time and money all for politics.

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I donā€™t think they post here.

The simplest answer is, the 30M isnā€™t nefarious.

There hasnā€™t been an investigationā€¦ or at least not publicly.

But the point still stands.

It isnā€™t up to Kushner to explain himselfā€¦ it is up to the investigation to show the evidence.

The same applies to Hunter Biden.

Could it be, maybe, that the supposed 30 mil is just something they made up? Hard to explain imaginary stuff.

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I couldnā€™t care less what you suggest. Iā€™m suggesting that the republicans wrap it up. That way nobody needs to suggest anything. I think we might be agreeing on this. A quick question. Do you have any curiosity as to what the 30 million was for?

Theyā€™ve already told you they have no evidence of anything. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s your answer. After all this inquiring they have come up with zero evidence of any wrongdoing.


Again. Iā€™m not asking you to answer for them. Iā€™m asking them to get moving and lay their cards on the table. Iā€™m sure you would agree. Right? Oh, and are you curious as to what the 30 million was for? Even a little bit?

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I, like you, am punch drunk about all this tom foolery, so Iā€™m not sure what 30M you are referring to.

Poor Jim Comer so badly wanted to be the hero who would find something anything.

His sad face everytime he went on TV to have to tell the folks he had nothing, zero evidence, but NEXT TIME!


You have to admit, itā€™s weird to post a question on a public message board where Comey and Jordan donā€™t post and get mad when other people who do answer you.


Theyā€™ve laid their cards on the table. Youā€™re refusing to see them.

$30 million seems like another Comer fever dream, I put no more stock in that than any other empty thing he has ā€œsaidā€.

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Your brain is malfunctioning. You keep thinking that I am asking you. You have no clue. You know zero things that I donā€™t know.

The one question that I actually do ask you, you ignore. Iā€™ll try again. Do you want to know what the Bidenā€™s were paid 30 million dollars for? Thatā€™s a yes or no Jezzy.

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They donā€™t post here.


They pad the number out by saying ā€œBiden and associatesā€.

The thing that really burns me about this is that Comer and Jordan could get broad support if they were interested in working to eliminate influence peddling by government officials and their families.

Like take for instance in the last administrationā€¦ the Sec of Energy Rick Perry served on the board of a Texas Company called Energy Transfer. When he became Sec of Energy he resigned from the boardā€¦ fair enough.

But he started to go to Ukraine quite a bit with Trump associates like Giuliani and while there working on the parallel foreign policy that got Trump impeached he ended up setting up a Ukrainian Petrol deal worth $20 billion for his old pals at Energy Transfer.

When he left his government position he went back to being in the board of Energy Transfer and filed with the SEC a notice about acquiring $800k in Energy Transfer stock.

Here is the kickerā€¦ it doesnā€™t look like Perry did anything illegal.

Should it be illegal? Yeahā€¦ probably.

If they were working to prevent stuff like that and letā€™s say the family of prominent politicians profiting off of their nameā€¦ I think that we would find broad agreement.

But that isnā€™t what they are doing.


Exactly!!! I think we both want him to present his banking records or tell us that the entire committee lied about them and should be impeached. Put up or shut up. Thatā€™s exactly my point. Yay! we agree!

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Sure. I would like to know.

It is up to the investigators to find out. Not any Biden or associate to have to explain it.

So far Comer and Jordan have not shown anything to be illegal.

No one has any need to present James Comer with anything.

Iā€™ve been watching Comer on the TV regarding his congressional goofiness.

The only conclusion one can make is that he really doesnā€™t understand how things work.

Or heā€™s pretending that to fool people.

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This is one of my favorite aspects of MAGA physics. I love how everything must flow around this mysteriously invisible dark matter that exerts gravity, but it canā€™t be acknowledged.