It's time. Fire Comer and Jordan. Dereliction of duty

Same energy:


Youā€™re talking about those who control the House by a hairs breadth and no other branch of government. The DOJ isnā€™t going to help them. The Treasury nor any other administrative branch is for them. If they issue a subpoena they are going to have to rely on Garland to enforce it.
They do not have the power to do what you want.
If they take all of their evidence and write up articles of impeachment and have a march of House handlers over to the Senate handing out impeachment pensā€¦then it all gets thrown in the trash.
Just like the impeachments of Trump.


Who said I wasnā€™t upset? All this proves is a president is immune from prosecution without an Impeachment. Nothings going to happen to Biden much like nothings happening to Trump itā€™s all smoke and mirrors.

Not true, you donā€™t ignore subpoenaes if nothing is there.

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Which is a very funny thing to say in a thread about Jim Jordan.


LOL Jez beat me to it. I suppose Jordan ignoring a subpoena is different.

Thats not how the system works. Biden does not have to prove his innocence, its up to Jordan and comer to present evidence proving his guilt.

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Congress canā€™t subpoena another congressman thatā€™s been a house rule for years. Swallwell claimed the same privilege as Jordan.

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They can 100% waive their speech and debate clause protections.

Jordan does not have a leg to stand on complaining about people blowing off his subpoenas.


I knew it would be different.

Only if theyā€™re hiding something. Otherwise they would lay it out for the world to see. So 20 million independents no longer wonder if heā€™s on the take.

Correct. But the secrecy makes people believe heā€™s hiding something. There is no value added for the Bidens not to clear this up unless itā€™e a bribe.

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Why should Biden clear anything up? When comer is making a dang fool of himself, best thing is to sit back and let him continue.

And point and laugh.

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Once againā€¦ that is not how it works.

They have to have back up for the accusationsā€¦ not make the accusation without evidence and expect the person to defend themselves.

Clear what up?

What crime is Joe Biden accused of committing?

Hunter Biden? Yes. He apparently is a criminal influence peddler.

Apparently there was even and organized cover-up (50 former intelligence officers etcā€¦) But that could have been orchestrated by anyone and could have been done for media purposes, not a legal cover-up.
Please name the crime.

lol didnā€™t work for swallwell didnā€™t work for Jordan. Nice idea though.

How does it do that?

If that is true then the last day in office can be the purge.

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Iā€™m still waiting to read what the alleged crime is.
The closest I can come is that some Biden supporter orchestrated some (false) poison narratives in the media. As far as I know thatā€™s not a crime.

Because millions of people, including you are not confident that he hasnā€™t been bribed.