It's Supa Toozday!

According to??? Whom?

yeah good question. prob to cover debts the campaign ran up

At this point it seems seriously dishonest and reminds me of Ron Paul.

He apparently made a deal with Trump to stay in for the long haul just to draw votes away from Cruz and Rubio. Rubio himself did something similar when he knew he had no path to victory.


Mixed Pauls and elections.

Rand basically did the same thing is dad pulled in 08 & 12 with his run in 2016

Valerie? Jill? :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I figured

Pocohaontas acts like a goofball. I get a good laugh every time I see her flailing and jerking around.

Right now she canā€™t even seem to make news any other way. :grinning:

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I will miss her wonkiness too. :wink:

But then, she may be back as Bernieā€™s running mate. :grimacing:

Imagine a Bernie Presidency where he appoints her to the federal benchā€¦ . :rofl:

3rd in a two horse raceā€¦

Sister Wives season 3

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Warren was done before she began. It was only her and her very small group of ill thought out climate change worshippers that didnā€™t know it. :sunglasses:

Joe may seem to have made a come back but few surprises. Bernie was ahead in CA going into tonight but it looks like heā€™s going to win by a substantial margin. Theyā€™ve been running at a virtual tie in Texas which if anything is surprising.

If Bernie pulls off wins in both Texas and CA and can eek out a win in Florida this is going to be a real nasty fight to the convention.

California Primary Results

415 delegates, 36.44% reporting

Candidate Delegates Votes % Votes
Bernie Sanders 33 552,991 29.52
Joe Biden 1 353,614 18.88
Michael Bloomberg 2 333,639 17.81

True and true. Hope not. Democrats will need almost everything theyā€™ve got to beat Trump.

Iā€™d much prefer a hard fought campaign by both parties in every election so we truly see who the candidates are before they are nominated.

I would have been much happier if Trump had made up an excuse not to run for a 2nd Term and bowed out.

As would I. I despise Trump as a human being and therefore as a President, but not because heā€™s a Republican. Sticking with just U.S. senators, I would vote for Sasse or Romney or even Rubio over Bernie because, yes, heā€™s a socialist. But Trump? The wisest policy decisions wouldnā€™t justify the damage heā€™s doing to the office and to general regard for the rule of law.

Unlike the last president Trump has not been found to have exceeded his constitutional authority nor to have violated any law.

Weā€™re getting off topic in a hurry though so save that for another thread.


Texas went Biden. Relax on caliā€¦its gonna be a little before we see the final results.