I dunno.
Musk lobbied hard for the R&D money to develop the technology in the first place. (He probably also lobbied foreign govenrment and got it in foreign countries too.)
He has since spoken out against subsidies for EV charging stations and poosibly the other subisies as well.
Probably pulling up the ladder behind him.
Businesses do that. Regulatons, subsies and big govnerment are tools that help established businesses and shut-out innovators and competitors. (Which is why I consder most libs to be affirmatively stupid, not just misguided.)
Pay people $50k to buy EVs and threaten automakers if they don’t make more EVs and pay them to make more and EVs will be even a greater success story.
Not impressed.
I would only be impressed if they sold based on their own merits, not based of government subsidies. You pay them enough and somebody will “buy” anything.
Actually, cutting the subsidy would probably help Tesla. They’re the one EV manufacturer in the US who actually turns a profit on their EV products. If the subsidy was cut and the prices were more accurately reflected across the EV market, it would probably help him out since he could still turn profit on the cars they sell. Whereas most everyone else needs that federal subsidy just to get their cars at a reasonable enough price for people to buy them and they barely profit on them as it is.
He has publicly recommended that the subsidies for chargers etc be canned.
In fact as soon as he did,
my Twitterfeed lit up with people pointing out
we didn;tneed subsiides to create gasoline stations,
even most gasoline stations are unprofitable unless they have a convenience stroe attached to them so . . . why not let the free market do the free market thing? YOu know a charging statinon with a restaurant selling organic vegan non GMO avocado toast or something?
You have to have a superior product for that to happen.
EV owners should like the fact not many of them are on the road. The grid cannot handle too many of them. People won’t be getting good charging speeds. Here in NJ if you go to a Tesla charging station you might see 1 car there.