It's NOT Biden's Fault!

Let’s not forget that the number one cause of death for those between 18 and 45 is fentanyl overdoses and that’s coming across the border. Trump had it virtually stopped and on day one…Brandon removed the pieces he put into place and this disaster began.

Mayorkas is one evil man, who although played stupid when answering questions to Congress, blaming the previous Administration, he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. So much so, the border patrol was completely aware and unitedly turned their backs to him.

It’s amazing and very disappointing that this fact is being ignored by the libs in this thread, defending this turd of an Administration. The Brandonites are partners in this. Anyone with a brain could see how far gone Biden was mentally prior to the election but the hate and TDS made it where the Brandonites didn’t care and put their feelings ahead of their brains. Now…they own this and so they have to try and defend, the indefensible.


You mean why didn’t we hear you say this when Trump was being blamed for Covid?


Here…allow me…we’ve heard it a zillion times…that’s different.

Nobody blamed Trump for the existence of covid. Stop it.

I blame the low information organic intellectuals.


Crazy people think they’re sane.

Stupid people think they’re intellectuals.


Trump is “the only American leader in a century with more than 400,000 deaths from one event on his watch.”

Well, that didn’t last long. Now more Americans have died from Covid under Biden’s watch than under Trump’s watch.
Where’s the media story about even more blood on Biden’s hands?

You see why half the country no longer takes anything the left or their media says seriously, right?


Not to mention he already had a Therapeutic available thanks to his superior predecessors. :wink:


The COVID deaths were on most every news channel, most every evening and Trump was labeled as the culprit for their deaths…PERIOD! Now here we are later and more deaths have taken place under Brandon that Trump and the media…is SILENT!


You know this article was written while he was still President?

What was true then, is not true today under Biden. Given that Biden has overseen the pandemic longer than Trump, it’s no surprise that the total number of deaths from covid would be higher under Biden than Trump.

Luckily thanks to Trump, Biden and the delta variant… the death rates are much lower.

This post was even more appropriate in this thread. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1: :wink:


The media


Some hunger therapy for the Ultra Trump baby makers.


Now post the example from every night, on most every channel and I’ll wait right here proving you can’t do it. Heck…your example wasn’t even from this year. Now…allow me. :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

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You first… you haven’t even backed up your original claim. Prove that it was on most every channel, on every night.

I already gave a link showing that at least one major media outlet has a story about covid deaths under Biden.

Now prove your claim. Or not

If you’re too blind and mentally incognizant to recall actual history, then repeating it won’t help. You’re that far gone my friend.

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You don’t want to backup your claim… but instead want me to crawl the internet to support your claim? :rofl:

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Fools errand, one guy on the internet isn’t going to be able to prove press bias. That always results in the other side saying, no, see this one story, as you did earlier.

Let’s do it this way since you’re so smart? Approximately 400,000 died of COVID under the Trump Administration and now we broke the 1,000,000 mark. This means that Brandon has a 150% increase over Trump so if there’s no bias as you claim, for every article I post where the media lambasts Trump, you should…if you’re not foolish…be able to post 1.5 articles condemning Brandon? Now…do you want to play? I’ll bet you already know how foolish you’ll look even more and won’t participate by making up some dumb excuse or…you won’t respond at all for the same reason? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1:

Here…I’ll start this show.

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Nah, same thing would be happening. Y’all would just be saying “I’m so glad Trump is in charge because under Biden it would’ve been so much worse!”