We all acknowledge that it was bad…in the beginning no one knew what to expect.
But over time we learned…the virus was hard on the immune compromised, older people and folks with existing health issues. The rest of us did pretty well especially as we started to develop natural resistance.
Now over time the virus has basically morphed into “just a cold”. Today that’s really what Covid has become…it’s another element of cold and flu season.
To me the important thing is to look back over the history of Covid and be honest about what we the people went thru and how our lives were and continue to be impacted.
The reasonable thing would have been to recognize that the virus severely impacted a specific group of people, find the best ways to protect them and get out of everyone else’s way.
I didn’t do much of anything on my own…the state did it for me.
As for when it first came out…yes it scared me. Not so much for myself but for my niece and her two young girls.
Yes I used my sprayers mask when recommendations came out, I stopped wearing it after I realize people weren’t looking at me as some sort of a freak…they were looking at me with fear in their eyes. Once I seen that I stopped wearing it.
Looking back/reflecting on it…it’s pretty easy to cause panic. And that has now become a tool IMO.
I know it’s a fair post I don’t need some lib to tell me it’s fair.
What’s silly is to treat the entire response to Covid, the business closures, keeping people out of church, out of school, out of their places if socialization, closing places where people went to exercise when we all knew good health was a way to protect against the virus. I don’t know that I’ll ever really trust the public health establishment again…
The people of this country need to recognize that what was done to us in the name of Covid was far from reasonable.
Of course those steps helped dampen the spread of covid.
Our hospitals were completely over-run. Maybe not everywhere, but here on the coast.
A specialist I see regularly pushed me back for 12 months. When I finially saw him, he said he had been assigned to the city ER and it was complete chaos every day for months and months.
The steps we took to limit exposure helped ease that burden. Had we not taken them, the death tolls would have been even higher.
But to suggest that once we started to understand the virus it was unnecessary to keep children who we’re basically immune to it’s effects out if school for a year was pure dumbassery…we as a country will be paying for that for years to come.
It was/is just like a cold to those who don’t have underlying conditions or up in years…just like was said April 2020, but you guys insisted on lockdowns. The at risk should have sheltered in place while the rest of us continued on with our lives. Just like we told you.