Many of us worried back at the beginning of the pandemic that the cure would be worse than the disease. I believe that is exactly what happened.
American students took a beating with the shut down of education…
The economy took a beating…which set millions of us back…all the spending to prop up the economy created massive inflation…
People were forced into isolation all over this country and the world. The last thing we needed to do was shut healthy people down in their apartments but that’s what happened.
People with conditions that needed treatment like cancer or heart issues for example didn’t get that treatment…we shut down schools and churches and the gathering places people relied on for their mental health…
And none of that needed to happen. We knew early in Covid impacted the old and the unhealthy. Gyms were forced to shut down…how stupid to close gymnasiums where people go to be healthy during a virus that impacted the unhealthy! People got shut inside when being outside and going for a walk was actually a really good idea.
We could just as easily have focused our attention on the people who actually needed to be protected, the old and infirm…without crushing the economy closing schools and churches and gyms…maybe if we’d focused on the most vulnerable and not on using Covid as a tool to control everyone we could have saved some of those vulnerable lives without pissing away trillions of dollars we didn’t and still don’t have.
The world started shutting down in what…February and March of 2020…15 days to stop the spread turned into a month turned into most of the year. Businesses were destroyed…(Amazon did great but your local hardware store got killed).
Kids lost the opportunity for once in their youth experiences while we destroyed education for a year or two.
That to me was the biggest crime of the virus…young healthy children with pretty much no chance of being impacted by Covid being shut out of school …how stupid.
By May or June i remember many of us saying “ok we know who suffers from this…senior citizens, overweight people with health conditions and compromised immune systems…let’s focus on them and let the rest of us have our lives back.” Remember how we could maybe sneak off to the local strip club…but not to church or a gym!!!
I don’t know if I ever had it or not…maybe…
Point being the cure did in fact end up being as bad if not worse than the disease.
…and Dr. Birx right up front told the whole country that anyone with COVID and dies, will be considered a COVID death…even if they died of something else.
I am not certain “worse” is the right word but certainly if I invent a safety device that kills 100s of thousand of people it is incumbent on me to start saying
“Don’t use this device. Don’t use it so often etc.”
It would be wrong for me to silence all the opposition and make false claims about them and their statements.
Asbestos saves lives to, but that doesn’t mean we should sprinkle it though the air to proven fires in day care centers. Allowing the truth to be spoken is a good thing. silencing the truth can and does kill people.
We as a society should never let what was done to us during Covid happen again.
The virus started with the Chinese wet market lie…Covid was made in a lab and unleashed in the world…
And when Covid hit I will always wonder how much public policy was designed to cover the lie…and how much from entities like the teachers unions and big government bureaucracy was designed as a convenient power grab.
Covid was a great excuse to normalize government grabbing at power and dictating how we the people would live our lives.
We the people need to remember what was just done to us during Covid and never let that happen again.
Here’s I thought an interesting piece on what we did to our kids during Covid…
“ Middle- and high-school students, who have the least time to catch up before they leave the K-12 system, may be suffering the most as schools emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, warns a new report released Wednesday. These students, researchers said, “deserve our urgent attention.”
The report, which relies largely on recent findings from outside research groups and the federal government, warns that on just about every indicator that matters — basic skills, college going, mental health and more — the pandemic has set older students back.
“Time is running out for these kids,” said Robin Lake, director of The Center on Reinventing Public Education, a research organization at Arizona State University. “Many have already exited the K-12 system, either by graduating or essentially disappearing on us. Too many kids still are missing — we don’t know if they’ve dropped out or where they’ve gone.”
Outside researchers who study these students said the fears are justified. In response, Lake and others are proposing a raft of reforms, including extending “gap years” to any high school graduates who need time to catch up — as well as a new commitment to reforming high school so it works for more students.” ‘Time is Running Out’: COVID-19 Set Back Older Students the Most, Study Finds – The 74
The only people still peddling that horse ■■■■ fantasy about the Pure Bloods “dying faster” are the sheep who regret being experimented on, but are too dedicated to be honest enough to admit it (and it IS their fantasy).
How else are they going to lie to themselves in order to feel better about being duped so easily?