It was cool when things went our way . . . now "heal yourself" or we will restructure you!

Right they were posting to show hypocrisy…which any of us would do if we could…since we cant we get to make up whatever we want.

True. But what is being proposed by the Democrats is to bring in a system where the people have no say or influence in the choice of judges via the President and Senate, but the system be redesigned to always give benches that suit anti-constitutionalists.

But his point was that there has not been a liberal court since Earl Warren. And in OP is comes off as saying now we finally have a conservative court. No we had a moderate-right wing court for 40 years. It just that GOP for past years have been more and more loony far right wingers that think conservative judges on the bench are lefties if don’t vote to instill Mmein kampf or a Christian Theocracy.

So you actually believe that conservatives are complaining that we don’t have a conservative court that would install Mein Kampf or a christian theocracy?
Ok. Thanks for letting us know where you are coming from.

What do conservatives want from a conservative court?

Don’t tell me repeal Roe v Wade

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The pukes made their bed

Supreme Court threads make me smile. All kind of topics around here, but the SC ones top them all.

I prefer non-alcoholic justices.

Which is what Republicans in Florida and Wisconsin did after electoral losses in recent years. You are complaining about Democratic talk but not about Republican action.

If you believed in the issue you are flavking you would be up in arms about the FL and WI legistlatures.


Does what happens in those states affect me? No. But it is funny. You’re upset about those states but not this?

You’re simply the reverse, but somehow that’s better. Whatever.

They aren’t threatening appointments here. They are threatening to pack the court.

I am criticizing actions. You are upset about words.

We each chose what is important to us, clearly.

Criticizing actions. Upset over words.


“Just words?”

So words aren’t important to you. Thanks for revealing.

Words are important… but proposals get floated and dropped all.the time. If you view them as political stances rather than ethical stances or reasons to gin up outrage then we have a basis for politics.

Are you really saying words are the equivalent of action. That’s at the core of the argument made by those who speak want to enforce political correctness. I doubt you agree with them.

You think this won’t be one the first things they do if any of them get elected?

No. I don’t. I know Roosevelt floated the same idea and stopped when he got sufficient pushback.

This happens in every Presidential election. Candidates move to the left or right (depending on party) during the primary season because primary voters tends to be more extreme than the general electorate. Once nominated candidates move to the center because they need to broaden their base of support.

Proposals get floated.

Sounds like TRUMP!

The ghost of FDR returns.