It was cool when things went our way . . . now "heal yourself" or we will restructure you!

Rule the way we want 100% of the time or we’ll change it so you do!

I’d like to know how they plan to rid the influence of politics… by appointing more liberals? :rofl:

So they want to add more justices if they’re elected. I think Trump should take the lead and do it for them. Add a few more himself and nominate them. Then they won’t need to worry about it.

Isn’t it obstruction of justice to threaten judges . . . Rule the way we tell you or else?

Just wondering out loud :smiley:

Sounds kinda like the mob.

We don’t have to wonder:

Cool. So you’re for this?

I am fine with a national standard for voter id…

The Living Constitution.

Am I for what? What gives you the impression I’m for anything? A poster postulated an “if the roles were reversed” situation, and all I did was demonstrate that it DID happen, and the roles were reversed. And I don’t recall some those feigning righteous indignation at this showing the same distaste for such partisan antics when the roles were reversed.

Enough so that every Trump supporter is forced to eat peas. Which is why libs must never ever regain power, even if it means another GOP Congress blocking the nomination process of another America hatin’ lib POTUS. :us:

I’ll cede the point, but less is not the same as more. I’d be happy with 5.

I believe the motivation, and intended effects were the same-reduce the “other side’s” power on the courts by ‘restructuring’ a la fudging with the numbers.

Why settle for 5? Why not 3? If all we need is a simple tie-breaker for any ruling, why bother with more than is absolutely needed to meet that requirement?


3 with term limits. They live forever.

Sounds good to me. And can we agree that nominees must at least get a hearing and an up/down vote? I would hope we could expect them to do a good job, but I would also hope we could treat nominees fairly and not jerk them around.

No. I don’t excuse one side/guy doing a thing because the other side/guy did it first.

Nope. Follow the Constitution.

Then no term limits, either. So sorry.

One of the proposals I heard was fifteen judges, five nominated by the GOP, five nominated by the Dems and five that have to have super majority vote to to be seated.

They also have term limits.

It will never happen though.