OK this cracked me up...I'm sure that some are good

Calling Soyboys old fashion boot leather journalist cracks me up.

I’m sure it does. You have evolved.

Caller on local conservative radio station I listen to was totally bewildered by why the media seemed to be so biased against Trump. He kept asking the host for possible explanations, and the usual boogiement were put forth.

It was quite clear the man had never considered the possiblity that the negative press associated with Trump was highly correspondent with the behavior of Trump.

Many of the folks on the right don’t even entertain the fact that they are being willfuly misled by the media they consume.

Ironic…how’s that fake impeachment going? How about that great Russian hoax’s that fake media played on libs?

Yes, I agree with you: The impeachment inquiry is just as “fake” as the “Russian hoax”.

No…Americans are tired of Trump and Trumpcons discrediting the media with every issue the disagree with. Disagree…but the screams of fake news have become increasingly more ridiculous’.

Trump and Trumpcons don’t even know what credible news or journalism even is. Credible does not mean your side of the story and your side only. This is what Trump and Trumpcons expect. That is not journalism… That is propaganda’.


Oh by the beard of Zeus tell me you haven’t been redpilled by the MRAs or the incels.


Trump is cool. So tell me how a story can come out and say terrible things about someone who is really super cool and be considered credible?

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Too many fancy buzzwords in that for Conan. Gonna hafta make it simpler for him.

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Crack me up.

Are you sure about that? If one is a Trump supporter do really think they will change their mind unless it comes straight from the Holy Orange One himself?

Yes… Most the the media is an unreported campaign donation to the dems…

No Collusion… They knew from the beginning…

Personally I like this. I think The New Republican Party should make it a general theme to just become nothing short of Trolls For America. I mean, look at the Trumpists here. They’re giddy over the gradeschool behavior. I think a party for the lowest common denominator is a great aspiration for TNRP.

I think you don’t understand what old fashioned shoeleather (not “boot wearing”) journalism means.

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Saying Trump and Trumpcons few more times I might start taking you serious.

Trump was not a left winger, he was a right winger corporate liberal aka Clinton who he donated to campaigns of. Same with John Kerry 2004 bid. But he is not a left winger if supports people like Clinton and Kerry, they are at best right of center except for fact that they are more right wing on corporate issues than even Reagan was.

Keep eating tofu…

You’re not in position to lecture.

Seems like someone is offended when I criticized Scott Stedman…I wonder why?

It’s phony virtue’signalling elitism.

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