It seems the democrat elitist snobs created a movement that they can no longer contain

On a subset. Overall - 54% of Dems want the dem party to be moderate while 57% of Republicans want the party to be more conservative.

Trump panders to the fringe right - thatā€™s a fact.
The GOP is terrified of that fringe - thatā€™s a fact.


You know what -This is the 1st time I will ever say this.
I agree with you.

Trump DID campign as a moderate. He has govern more to the right but yes -his policies are center right (Although he has govern more right).
Overall - Policy wise i agree with him much more then Pence - Hell, maybe even more then Bernie. BUT - He is a embarrassment to the county, hurts our standings world wide (Hes a laughing stock) and his non stop lies and changing stories cause harm to the US beyond policy debate.

If libs can separate their hatred they would quickly realize that Trump is governing pretty much as Bill Clinton of 90ā€™s did after Gingrich taken control of congress policy wise.

Sadly libs are unable to separate their hatred from facts.

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Its not hatred. I donā€™t hate the guy. I donā€™t know him.
I think he is unqualified to be president and is doing the country long term harm beyond his current policies. If you want to start a different thread to discuss that Iā€™ll be happy to join.

But my point is moderates still control the Dem party and Moderates still win General elections.

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When has Trump reached out to Democrats to tackle some problems? Clinton did to Republicans.

Itā€™s hatredā€¦out right hatred. Denying that isnā€™t going to help the left causes.

Our country long term policies have gone off the rails long before Trump. The new world order philosophy. After the fall of Soviets the world had become elitist playground while ignoring the concerns of Americans and itā€™s people interest.

Thatā€™s one reason why Trump got elected. If the system was doing itā€™s job there wouldnā€™t never been a Trump. At some point people need to come to terms of reality.

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Agreed. He would he a much more effective leader if he would put his cell phone down, stop behaving like a ten year old with ADD, and simply shut his mouth.

It seems a lot of people agree, including ā€œsomeā€ on the right.

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Donald brings out the worst in everyone, most especially in the fringe right that adore him so.

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guess what - You dont get to tell other people how they feel.
While some on the left obviously HATE Trump. I would say ā€œHATEā€ for Trump is lower then the rights ā€œHATEā€ of HIllary.
Im assuming i have more social interactions with those on the left then you do. And im telling you - Its not really a hate. Its anger and frustration that his supporters make excuses for him and consistently allow him to get away with his lies.


Why would they be terrified of a fringe? Which by definition is a small minority.

Seriouslyā€¦youā€™re going to ask such a stupid question? Dreamers, the wall, healthcare, tax cuts, infrastructure just to name a few. But libs were too busy accusing Trump being a Russian agent.

So why the ā– ā– ā– ā–  should Trump continue reaching out to democrats? Libs still hasnā€™t come to terms of their defeat in that fateful night in Nov 2016.

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Career security.

And weā€™ve already seen what kind of power a minority has - just look at how theyā€™ve persecuted and oppressed that American majority that adire Donald. Most Persecuted Group in US History, Possibly the World.

I am pretty sure a majority of Americans do not adore Donald Trump.

Excellent post, but one that will go unanswered. It challenges the narrative of ā€œsomeā€ whose reality is mired in absolutist fantasies.

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Well I wouldnā€™t want to be neither and Trump I would hope after three years people would see is not Hitler. But oh well :metal:

Absolutely incorrect. People do not answer political polls accurately because they are afraid of losing jobs, relationships, and their very lives.

Donaldā€™s supporters are legion, but most are silent because they live in abject terror of the leftist fringe minority who oppress us all.

Heā€™s the President. He needs to rise above the noise. He needs to be the adult in the room. Heā€™s supposed to represent ALL Americans, not just Republicans.

This is such a boring response. It really is.


Funny how libs say that when opposition is in power. Under Obama we were told to ā– ā– ā– ā–  off. We lost. Get in the back etc.


ā€œI wonā€