It seems the democrat elitist snobs created a movement that they can no longer contain

Funny how we are discussing Clinton and Trump.

Why bring Obama in this conversation?

Umm, because he was the last president and according to you was supposed to have risen above everything and represented all Americans?

Or is that only supposed to apply to Republican presidents?

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Is Obama off limits?

You’re the one that said and I will quote

I’m not responsible for individual own hypocrisy.

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Biden is pretty moderate alright as in moderately coherent and just barely at that.

Only conservatives needs to be reasonable…or compromise. :wink:

I didn’t say any of that.

You must be confused.

I was discussing Bill Clinton and Donald Trump*.

I thought for discussion sake we’d be focused on Clinton and Trump*.

You can bring Obama in this if you wish.

And hypocrisy is such a funny word.

Umm what?

You didn’t say that?

Trump supporters need to go right on being unreasonable.

It’s so nice to have permission…

Only Trump supporters are unreasonable?

Of course not. The leftist fringe minority who oppress us all are utterly unreasonable.

Hence why I said Trump supporters must go on being unreasonable too. It’s the only way to demonstrate their bold, contrasting colors from the weak lib pastels.

I agree with your assessment about the “Common Man” given how the preponderance of (white) male votes go Republican. But to extend your analysis, the cons are out of touch with the Common Woman, given how the preponderance of female votes (regardless of race) go Democratic.

I wasn’t talking about Obama. I was talking about other Presidents. But hey, if Obama gets you all tingly, then go nuts and talk about him.

For the record, Obama was divisive in many ways. I won’t discount that.
But am curious if this is “If you did it, we can too” attitude that I see a lot of. Didn’t know that instead of tit for tat, that someone, anyone, could rise above the ■■■■■■■■ and be on the lookout for all Americans. I guess as long as Trump* is at the helm, it ain’t gonna happen.

Fake polling. The majority of American women adore Donald, who is a true Champion of women. They simply cannot say so for fear of being oppressed by the fringe radical feminist element.

So you are saying that the crowds at Trump rallies are full of sniveling cowards cringing in terror. Interesting perspective.

Fake voting too apparently, based on Trump’s inability to get almost any of the candidates he has rallied for in the past couple of years elected to office.

Donald’s rallies are one of the few places where Real Americans are free to worship our POTUS without fear of persecution.

A safe space, if you will.

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So you are saying “safe spaces” are a conservative need. Got it.

I’ll believe that when I see. I don’t see any of the democratic candidates rising above it all.

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