It seems the democrat elitist snobs created a movement that they can no longer contain

Buttigieg. You may want to read his positions.

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s pronounced ā€œIā€™m scared of gay people.ā€

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Thatā€™s ridiculous.

Buttigieg is trying to push the idea of a religious leftā€¦ how interesting is that.

Very. I heard a story the other day about Von Braunā€™s best friend and the big bang. Iā€™ve been looking for it but canā€™t remember the dudeā€™s name.

Sounds like heā€™s pretty extreme on guns.

Biden. Mayor Pete is actually making his moderate stance the cornerstone of his campaign.

Please link to any candidateā€™s Communist policy.


How so?

Its amazing how BADLY those on the right want to paint a picture of Dems being extreme. Obviously the Dem has a left wing. But number wise, dems have less extreme left wing folks then Republican have right wing folks.
Biden - Who any sane person knows - is a moderate. And he has been winning Nationally since day 1. He is STILL winning nationally.
Sure -Sanders may win Iowa - But that has no more effect then Ted Cruz (FAR RIGHT) winning Iowa in 2016. Biden will finish top 3 in Iowa and NH, and then win by a ton in South Car leaving him the front runner.

Side note -Biden biggest threat to the nomination is not Sanders or Warren. ITs Bloomberg. Who is also a moderate and may give him a run for his money by Super Tuesday.

But my overall point is pointing to Sanders and Warren doing well in polls in IA and NH as ā€œProof the Dems are far leftā€ is no more true that pointing to Cruz, and at one point HERMAN CAIN (9, 9 ,9) leading the polls in 2016 and concluding that the Republicans are far right nut jobs.

It seems your attempt to throw water on the fires of hyperbolic bias confirmation will fall on deaf ears.

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Buttigag - - How clever!

But republicans have more far right nut jobs based on your conclusion. Got it.

Not me, people of both parties how the identify. More Dems consider themselves moderate then Republicans.

Here it is:

Thus, 69% of liberal Democrats prefer that the Democratic Party become more liberal and 73% of moderate and conservative Democrats favor it becoming more moderate.

Likewise, 77% of conservative Republicans favor a more conservative party, while 68% of moderate and liberal Republicans prefer a more moderate party.

Just a few percentage points either way.

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Hmm. Interesting.

You know full well that question has been asked hundreds of times over the years without ever being answered. Some people like to use words because they think they sound scary without really knowing what they mean

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Trump is middle of the road centristā€¦thatā€™s a fact.

Trump believes in securing our bordersā€¦so did libs 10/20 years ago. Now theyā€™re open borders with healthcare and welfare,

Thatā€™s how far libs have moved. Just like energy. They wanted cleaner fuels, now they want to ban it.

Funny. Those that want to use natural gas are now right wingers.

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8% is more than a few points

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A editorial piece by a republican who says Biden is more liberal then probably the most conservative candidate the Dems have ever nominated.

You got me now.