It has begun, Minneapolis will disband its police department, what will come of this sociological experiment?

Well I go back to my original point is I would not live there and I expect that a lot of people will be moving out of the city.

Well, thereā€™s these guys, but let me guessā€¦ theyā€™re not Conservatives either and are just more Deep State RINOs. :laughing:

Ok, THAT is what I was asking about.
Why the dig?
I asked, you provided, i acknowledge the link. No other comments were needed.

One thing tho, I didnā€™t see where they wrote and submitted to the floor for voting. I just saw support if such a bill was proposed. So half point.

What are you responding to? this isnā€™t a reply haha

Wasnā€™t meant as a dig. Thatā€™s usually the response I get though. Push comes to shove government on both sides is about gaining and retaining power. If an armed populace becomes a serious threat to them, both sides wonā€™t hesitate to strip us. You can bank on that.

He was responding to me.

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Yeah, I think Rā€™s strategy of blaming Dā€™s is right, but wrong to do. Both sides havenā€™t addressed this, some made it worse. But itā€™s about who is on the right side now that matters.

Dead Rabbits!

Sure. He hung up on us. :woozy_face:


Yeah weā€™ve had a week of rioting and property damage compared to the decades of police damaging property, stealing peopleā€™s money, injuring beyond what is necessary and being complicit in locking up millions of Americans.
Donā€™t care. ā– ā– ā– ā–  that starbucks.

coming soon. lol


We are a nation with laws.

We donā€™t change our laws to accommodate culture. The culture needs to change to accommodate laws.

Allowing looting, rioting, burning and defacement while telling people they canā€™t go to work so they can feed their families is the most upside down and backwards thing Iā€™ve ever heard.

Defunding the police is coming from these same geniuses.

Howā€™s that going to work out? :face_with_monocle:

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badges? we donā€™t need no stinking badgesā€¦

enforce your own lawsā€¦


Iā€™m excited to see it.

I am worried that this movement of disbanding the police is going to increase Trumpā€™s chances of getting reelected.

Well this isnā€™t true.

Gay Marriage?

Point me to the proposal that will allow those things to continue without punishment.

Do you understand what ā€œdefund the policeā€ means?

Donā€™t patronize me.

We are a nation of laws. If you donā€™t like the laws the way to change them is through legal means, not rioting, burning or looting to get attention.

Nor is it through circumventing laws by ā€œbending a kneeā€ as a public official.

Defunding the police should be put to vote. Not a knee jerk reaction.

Uh ok

History disagrees with you

What laws are being circumvented?

If that is a requirement then I agree, it should.

I suspect the housing market will be the first to suffer. People wont stay where they arent safe.