It Begins: Tucker Carlson - Bolton is a "man of the left"

A conservative Republican, he began his federal service in the administration of Pres. Ronald Reagan, holding positions in the U.S. Agency for International Development and as assistant attorney general (1985–89). From 1989 to 1993, under Pres. George H.W. Bush, he was assistant secretary of state for international organization affairs. During the 1990s Bolton was active in prominent conservative organizations, including the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), at which he was a vice president in 1997–2001, and the Project for the New American Century. He also was an official of the Republican National Committee.

I mean, it’s obvious why you don’t want to claim him, but facts aren’t on your side.

Laughing at the dumpster fire that is Carlson and the Trump admin is somehow defending/liking Bolton?

Please go find some logic, you’ve currently got none.

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Conservative words to live by: Just say anything.

I see that the Lovecraftian God of ignorant chaos is infecting this thread.

All hail the great Inanity of Cthcarlson.

Yog - Sototh and the night goat of the forest with the thousand hungry young… aiyyeeee … aiyeeee

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This blatant mischaracterization of events in this thread is just as ridiculous as Carlson’s attempt to pass Bolton off as a leftist.

Bolton is just another notch on the bed post of Trumps “only the best” failures. The Trump bootlickers now have another one of their own who could be a threat and expose this weak and chaotic administration for exactly what it is. John Bolton is a terrible choice for any administration and Trump owns this Bolton mess from top to bottom.

Why wouldn’t they defend a man of the left, their liberal brother?

The trolling begins.

History isn’t.

Fact is that he flaked out and did not measure up to the current administrations objectives.

He will enjoy a comfortable retirement.


Fact is everyone knew who John Bolton was and trump hired him anyways.

Is Bolton a neocon?

Multiple folks yesterday said that they thought that Trump didn’t know much about him but saw him on Fox News and liked his presentation.

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Will Tucker’s line be what they will say when Trump doesn’t get re-elected?

Easy now. You are talking about one of Trump’s beloved advisors.

Yes, he is a neocon. And that used to be called Neoliberalism.

But those guys went to the GOP in the 1960s. You’re not going to use that stale argument, are you?

Look, there is reality and there is history. Historically the Dems were the Hawks, Vietnam changed that. Just because it used to be called Neoliberalism doesn’t mean that Bolton is a Democrat. That is like saying that just because Hitler co-opted the National Socialist party for his fascist reign that fascism is actually Leftist.

Just not very logical, its like saying that AntiFa is conservative because they have fascist in their name.

Bolton is a lifelong Republican, served Conservative think tanks, worked for Conservative Presidents, he is not a Democrat.


Nor anywhere near the left.

All that is true, except for your opinion. Neocons are liberal hawks.

Pish-tosh Sneaky, completely absurd conclusion.

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Man of the Left.

Too freaking hilariously funny!

My goodness the Right Wing talking heads are squirming like a bunch of red wigglers on a sun baked slab of granite!

Too funny!


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Trump groupies hop right on the crazy train every time :joy:

Staying “no ■■■■■■■ way does he represent me”, is defending him in what universe, exactly?