It Begins: Tucker Carlson - Bolton is a "man of the left"

If you attack Tucker you support Bolton.

Hmm if you support trump you supported Bolton, someone should tell Tucker he loved him all along.

How else will the thread be dragged on for another hundred posts?

So much to say here.

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I hereby declare that all those who call themselves “classical liberals” to be socialists.

Liberals who vote Republican at every opportunity.

Those are the best liberals.

Definition of neoconservative

1 : a former liberal espousing political conservatism

2 : a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and U.S. national interest in international affairs including through military means

Number 1, not an accident, not random.

Sure they do. Now.

Very much so and very much not a liberal.

You must be referring to John Bolton’s well known liberal mentor Jesse Helms?

Note the word FORMER.

Did it say the word liberal or not? I rest my case.

Yeah, but when was Bolton ever liberal?

Not many people know this but the Democratic Party was the pro slavery party in the 1800’s

Just say anything.

It was in a former time a Liberal thing, not denying that. Until Vietnam. That is when the sides changed not just in military hawkishness but also Civil Rights.

That was 50 years ago. Half a century. Things change.

We have to drop this “anything bad is Liberal and everything good is Conservative” mindset, there are bad apples on both sides.

The Right has Nazis, Neocons, Nationalists, Conversion therapists and Overt Racists. Which comprise very little of the overall population.

The Left has AntiFa, Communists, Feminists (3rd wave, 2nd tends to lean Right), vegans, virtue signalers and safe spacers. And a touch of suppressed racism for a finishing touch.

It is what it is.


Definitions 1b and 4, not an accident, not random.

How are christians doing today in Iraq?

LIke any place islam rules, they face great prejudice and danger. Been that way for 1500 years. Obviously