IT BEGINS: First Democrat-Majority Bill to Target Trump Tax Returns in January

The deal was active when he was presumptive nominee. He had the presidency within his grasp. The fact that you wish to give him a pass or not is irrelevant to whether his intent was treasonous.

I dont know. Maybe they are maybe they arent. Maybe trump legally lied about his dealings with Russia (he admitted he knew about the Moscow dealings) We should know the details. Why was trump lying about his dealings with Russia while Russia was meddling?

the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

How aws trump betrying the United States? Hows was he trying to overthrow the government?

Treason was YOUR word not mine.

So what law would have been broken. Come one, you can tell us. Lying to people isn’t illegal as a candidate or a politician. Hell if it was 90% of congress would be in prison.

Lol I already answered this question

The people of the United states should know how much their president lied about his business dealings with a country that was meddling in our election to his advantage. Simple as that.

Yeah where…what laws did Trump break?

Hilarious that ya’ll jumping on this talking point like it gets you anywhere

The new con argument: “Ok so Trump lied to everyone and hes been doing business in Russia - not illegal! Dont investigate!” Unreal…

Do you guys even know what the word “investigation” means?

Yeah…where have you posted the answer…and what laws have Trump broke.

Come on spit it out.

Trump knew Russia had compromat on him. Why did Trump try to hide it?

Maybe it’s not treason, maybe its not. That’s what investigations are for.

Congress should investigate to see what extent Trump lied about his business dealings with a country that meddles on our election to his benefit. Do you know what an “investigation” is? Do you know what “checks and balances” are?

Apparently cons dont think Presidents should be investigated for lying to the American people. Kinda sounds like something that would happen in Russia

Maybe we should investigate every American and see what crimes they have committed.

You have funny idea how our liberties work.

It’s the president of the United states having business dealings with Russia and lying about it while Russia meddles to his benefit. Lol you equating that to “every citizen” hilarious

Is it illegal for Congress to request his taxes? How about I keep repeating that over and over.

So you want to investigate people in search of crimes.

Is that what YOU want?

Is it illegal for Congress to request Trumps taxes? Come on show me how it’s illegal. That’s your standard. Is it illegal for Congress to request his taxes?

Is it illegal for Trump to order IRS and CoJ to investigate every congressman?