It Appears The The DOJ Is Being Weaponized For The Election

The law is crystal clear and has been that way for hundreds of years. I’m not worried. The man can bluster all he wants. He’ll find out real quick how things really work. Again.

wiley, read it please?

Yawn. Sticking words in my mouth now. What’s the matter, can’t defend your obvious hypocrisy? Have to try to attack me instead? Not at all transparent. :roll_eyes:

Optics man. You more concered in your post about information that was released than what happened.

I read it. Don’t agree with the author. Seems like fear mongering to me.

Sticking words in my mouth again. :roll_eyes: Shame the public will never know what really happened on either count because transparency, right? :roll_eyes:

The thing five years of Trump have proven beyond doubt is that he always hotmikes his real intentions.

Yes well I have no doubt about his intentions. He’s been smacked down before and will be again. Count on it.

We can’t.

Sure we can. We already have loyal followers in Congress turning on him. Mcconnell has already stated there will be a peaceful transition despite Trump’s assertions to the contrary.

The first problem is that the DOJ makes a public announcement about a pending investigation. Then they provide very little information about it. Then they decide to announce that all of these ballots were votes for Trump. It’s all very fishy.

What is the allegation? Are we supposed to believe that there are poll workers that are opening ballots and then throwing away ballots that vote for Trump? Is that what we are supposed to believe?

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Ah, read McConnell’s actual statement. It is standard-issue McConnell weasel:

“…the winner of the Nov. 3 election will be inaugurated on Jan. 20…”

That is a very specific promise, and it isn’t that the actual election winner will be inaugurated.

Lol it turns out that those ballots were discarded because, and get this, the DOJ won a court filing.

That’s not suspicious at all.

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Makes sense. The GOP wants as many spoiled ballots as possible.

since the poll workers admit to opening ballots at this time, which is contrary to law in most states, and all of the ballots are for trump, what else should we believe?

So… now we have deep state poll workers in PA that have a coordinated plan to open ballots, review them and discard the Trump votes.

Sounds totally logical and it would have worked if it weren’t for those meddling kids at the DOJ.

who said anything about any coordinated anything? it only takes one.

Here is a update on what happened.

So it appears that the system worked well enough to identify there was a problem and retrieve the ballots.

However it also appears that there is a policy problem with the DOJ. I was listening to a former federal prosecutor this afternoon that said that all the members of the DOJ get the same media training. And the training includes that you say nothing about the details of a on-going investigation. She was very surprised that the WH was allowed to make the statement that the ballots were missing and that they were made out for Trump. She said that it was DOJ policy not to mention that sort of detail because all government agencies do not want to appear as influencing a election.

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It was ham-handed but as we see from the responses here, it doesn’t have to be anything other than ham handed because so many Trump supporters buy into the fraud theory they wont closely examine things.

So why should Trump and his associates put in the hard work of being more subtle when so many Trump supporters can be led around by the nose so easily?

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Some of Trump’s supporters are probably voter fraud folks from back before Trump came along. And now there are going to be a whole bunch more if he says so. If it is a huge landslide I don’t think that the Republicans on the hill or in the states will support it if he attempts to have some states renounce their election counts. I think that the Democrats are planning for the worst.