It Appears The The DOJ Is Being Weaponized For The Election

How? becasuse state officials ask for fed help to investigate a serious voting issue? The dumb ■■■■ who did this needs to be exposed and have charges filed against then. That you don’t care that 7 millitary votes most likely won’t be counted and 4 oths who may never get their votes counted is telling.



His supporters don’t care.

As seen by the responses in this thread.

That you think any system is 100% foolproof is very telling.

There were nine total ballots. No one knows how it happened yet- that doesn’t automatically make it fraud.

And it’s not that the DOJ is investigating- it’s that they are making information public that shouldn’t be made public, and outright lying about about other election matters.

That ought to give anyone pause…but since most Trump supporters are fully convinced the game is rigged against him so that no Trump loss can be legitimate…I’m not surprised it’s not giving most Trump supporters any pause.

True - but he’s never going to win anyone outside that little circle by openly showing his disdain for the election process.

Then again, that’s a plus for us who don’t support Trump, so there is that.

He doesn’t need to- he simply needs to dampen the voices of those who don’t support him…which is what all this is designed to do.

Like I said, since most Trump supporters are already convinced that any result that shows Trump losing is fraudulent, the seeds of post-election chaos are already firmly sown.

And since Trump holds levers of power…he may succeed.

Ah, so the left is planting the seeds of one of, I’m sure many, rationalizations should Biden lose.

“The DOJ was weaponized!”

Why worry, libs? You’re positive Biden is going to win. What’s the problem with some votes for Trump being thrown away. You should be celebrating.

Plus, you’ve got Bloomberg paying fines for minorities in Florida so they can vote.

Things are looking good for ya! :rofl:


Uh no I don’t. I’ve consistatly said–Utah has done mail in ballots for multiple election (at least 6 years that I can remember). We still have issues even with experience. States that are attemping to set it up in a matter of months are going to have a lot of issues.

9 military ballot and 4 regular absentee ballots. Doesn’t need to be fraud – but it’s a hell of a problem when it’s as they start to come in.

What law says it can’t be released who the most likely non countable ballots were for? You don’t want transperity?

Not surprising that libs have no problems with the found ballots . . only information that was released regarding them.

Yes I have a problem when a government agency selectively releases information and outright lies about other information to put a partisan slant on a story.

You should too.

How did they selectively release information? 2 were still sealed should election officials have opened them? The oth four didn’t have the ballots with them. What information was selective?

No investigation in the past has revealed who the people voted for.

And Barr lied about the Texas incident.

These are troubling signs.

Don’t you want more transparency? And who knows, it might have been released prior but the media didn’t put that. Like CNN selectively leaving out of their reporting that 4 regular everyday person ballots were found as well?

Transparency? How many officials have been blocked from testifying before Congress by the Trump admin now about the White House COVID-19 response? I’ve lost count.

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Nice deflection, but those are not the topic right now.

Who can make him leave?

You’re the one who brought up transparency. Guess it only matters when it makes the other side look bad or something.

The secret service, after he loses.

You’re not concerned that ballots were thrown in the trash? Good lord man, talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees.


But if this author (What If Trump Refuses to Concede? - The Atlantic) is correct, what if ‘lose’ is unclear, and Trump is also the umpire?

Who makes him leave if he succeeds at casting election day counts as the only acceptable tally?

You’ve got to be kidding. Evidence of election tampering dismissed by libs as Trump did it!

Yaaawn, do you want more transparancy or not (and telling you more concerned about that than the actual problem of the ballots)