It appears Biden ain't all there

Sure looked like it.

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I don’t know. Oftentimes he comes off as a doddering old man for sure.

Do you think he does? What’s your opinion?

I fear a bit that he is not the same man he was. He has most certainly lost a step. I don’t think his speeches is what give it away, it’s his off the cuff communications. He seems slower etc. i don’t think he is at a point of any advanced loss of cognitive ability. So to answer your question. No i don’t believe he has the mental capability to be President but neither is he a lost old man.

Thank you. I need to check my premise then because I see a contradiction here.

He wasn’t elected to be “an old man”.

Do you think he was good then? If so, on what basis?

He certainly wasn’t elected to be an old man. We need to do better as a country choosing our candidates

I don’t think he was “good” then. He is an old timey dem and def a lot more than just a bit racist but he did have some strengths like foreign policy, buy American, ability to create bipartisanship etc.

Agreed. And part of the attraction. “America needs a nap”.

You must be joking! Brandon has been wrong about everything his whole career. Come on, man! I thought we were having a moment. Brandon is a foreign policy idiot.

I think that might be over for everybody.

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Yeah totally wrong like targeted tarrifs on China…

Say it with me…. Decoupling?

“a thread”


So then not everything.

I got confused. Brandon isn’t decoupling from China. Prove me wrong.

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I got confused. I thought you were talking about Trump.

Yes this is the only place where i have extensive political discussions. And no matter how smallish this forum is, it is in my opinion a good representation of your tribes positions. So yes a thread does nicely to support my position.

Somehow, in less than a year, he degraded from the qualified presidential candidate to the doddering old man. :man_shrugging:


No. Biden repeatedly proposed and supported targeted tarrifs against China. Specifically when Obama put him in a position to shape policy towards China.

On a board that had 100 threads on the matter.

“a thread”. :man_shrugging:

You say that like you think that was a good thing for the economy.

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Or the facade fell.

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On the covid stimulus. No it doesn’t have 100 threads.