It appears Biden ain't all there

That was a good thing for the economy. trump and a Republican held senate believed it was too.

“Will be”?

Has it happened? If so, I’ll read it.

Not just will be. He was. He shaped policy that was replete with targeted tarrifs. This was when the gop was against them.

OK, I’ll read it. I’ll need some evidence that it is in execution.

Then why the reminder of whose signature was on it?

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Oh. Sorry. That was a colloquialism. But nice deflection.

“More than one.” (Or more than a dozen.)

You run with you “one thread.” And your partisan blinders.

Because it’s his signature. Something about the buck and stopping somewhere. He pushed for it too but no much as with any spending it’s not all on him

Did you read that “article”? If so, how?

China’s going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” Mr Biden scoffed. “I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.” He was speaking in May 2019. Tempered by his contest with Donald Trump, who tried to rally support by highlighting the threat posed by China, Mr Biden now avoids such words. But as president, will his policy towards China be very different from Mr Trump’s? He has yet to spell out his plans, but he will throw fewer wild punches.

You joshing me?


If i locate the remaining threads I’ll post them too mine was a colloquialism as well. Now that we are having real fun.

I know that you were obviously just throwing a number. I get that. There weren’t a dozen threads on it either. Posts i am sure. Threads nope.


And Brandon is tripling it.

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I am not joshing you. I’ll find his speech when Obama put him at the head of the China U.S. relations back in the day. I posted it before. It included punishing tarrifs.

Short term gain, long term misery.

I’m not a Republican nor a Trumpster. I am free to think for myself.

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The short term gain of a stable Wall Street mhmm right. Just amazing

How did you read that article?

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Short term?

Do you have any idea how much immiseration that saved? How do you think the Great Resignation is happening?

People are retiring at 55!

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If you weren’t putting it all on Trump, it wouldn’t have been necessary to point it out. Methinks your subconscious is contradicting your words.

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I am not going to hedge every post. I have explained my position sufficiently. That’s how discussion works

What about the long term misery part of that? Do you expect to die before it gets really bad?

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Not really. That’s how a manifesto works.

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Yes. And undoubtedly your not too subtle subconscious feelings will continue to be exposed as well.

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