Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

Bombing the crap out of Gaza from the air may make Israelis feel good but it does little to damage Hamas fighters who are in tunnels deep underground.

If the estimate is accurate - 35 % of enemy force killed is actually pretty impressive.

Remember, this doesn’t include incapacitated by injury or captured/surrendered.

For perspective, 35% of IDF killed would mean around 227,000 soldiers. Number of IDF soldiers fallen so far since the start of ground invasion ? Less than 300. So, about 0.04 %.

This estimate, of course, would also signal a very low civilian to combatant kill ration by urban combat standards. So, pretty much the opposite of a “genocide”.


The war in Gaza has created a generation of boys and young men who will be willing recruits for further wars as a result Israeli bombing of civilian family members.

Israel is sowing its own destruction.

How do you think Israel should have responded to the October terrorist attack?

And that’s different how exactly from the current situation ? They’re already brainwashing children to hate Jews and embrace “martyrdom” from the kindergarten.

Truly, a lovely culture.

Teaching hatred goes both ways.

Here are two reports from before the October 7 attack.

When Israelis Teach Their Kids To Hate – The Forward

The place in question is Damascus Gate, the entry to the Muslim Quarter of the Old City; the flags aren’t Palestinian, but Israeli; their chants include ‘Jerusalem is ours’, ‘death to Arabs’ and ‘Jews have a soul, an Arab is the son of a whore’. The politician, of course, is none other than Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of National Security. This is the scene that I witnessed first-hand on May 18th, this year’s date for the annual Jerusalem ‘Flag Day’ march.

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killing terrorists only creates dead terrorists, live ones are created by 25 years of hamas rule and indoctrination

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How widespread do you think this is ?

Second, are you citing this as pretext for claiming that a generation of Israeli boys and young men will be recruits for further wars against Gaza ?

Only one side in this conflict consistently celebrates violence and wanton murder of civilians as legit means of “resistance”. They are the ones who chose violence, so I don’t see why anyone should feel sorry for them - live by the sword, die by the sword.

You. :point_left:

They were already there. Already created.

That is a stupid claim.

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Israel has been fighting more-or-less continuously for over 75 years, but at nowhere near the current level of intensity. Netanyahu is now saying that the war in Gaza could go on for another 10 years.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have left their homes, mainly in northern Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been called up from the reserves. Most have these are still not able to go home and resume their normal jobs.

The US has been shipping billions of dollars in weapons and ammunition from its already depleted stocks.

Is another 10 years of war really sustainable?




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Outdated articles - these are from October.

Many reservists have been rotated out and have returned to their civilian jobs and many of those in Southern communities have been able to return home.

Where did Netanyahu say the war will go 10 years ? I could see where he may have said Israel will need a presence in Gaza for 10 years but not that the war would still be going.

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Netanyahu knows that he faces arrest and likely imprisonment if the war ends, so he is in no hurry to bring the war to an end. 10 more years of occupation is going mean 10 more years of war unless there is a change in the Israeli government.

Back in December, the White House was saying the invasion would end by January. It is now May and high-intensity war is still going on. Clearly things are way behind the optimistic schedule that Washington was promoting.

No, it doesn’t. Israel was NOT at war in Gaza from 1967 to 2005, even though it had a presence there. It was George W Bush’s and Ariel Sharon’s ill-fated idea to unilaterally withdraw.

Of course, paradoxically the wars started occurring after Israel withdrew into 2005, so I think it’s fair to argue that the opposite is the case - Israel not having a presence in Gaza is what causes the war.

Ask yourself why. But this time, be honest.

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Things I’m supposed to ignore. Deport all protesters.

I do mostly ignore it. I don’t call Biden “Genocide Joe.”. But still.

you sure don’t have a problem ignoring all the scenes from when hamas airlifted in and mowed down teenagers at a concert with machine guns, tortured grandmothers, kids, raped idf girls….

surely that’s on holy mother cnn too right?


Pretty sure CNN never covered that, I’ll have to check.

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