Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

Obama killed an American on PURPOSE.

It was a mistake.
What else do you want. It happens…friendly fire happens.

Yes…WHAT about hostages.
Noone even talks about them.


Not one.

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Biden doesn’t care about hostages he cares about carrying michigan. :roll_eyes:

He didn’t care about hostages left behind in Afghanistan either.


A stray bullet hitting an aid worker could be a mistake.

Three separate drone attacks against three well-marked vehicles is not a mistake. It is almost certainly murder.

Of course, we “know” that every Israeli civilian who died on October 7 was murdered by terrorists.

Friendly fire and fatal mistakes have only occurred since the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

From CNN. Give it a rest already. :roll_eyes:

Israel’s military has fired two senior officers as a report released Friday concluded that the attack that killed seven food aid workers in Gaza was a result of “mistaken identification” and “serious violations” of standard procedure.

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Wait, what?

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An American citizen was killed using weapons supplied by the US.

Cut the arms shipments immediately and the killing will quickly stop.

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No, it won’t.

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It will only stop when the animals (Hamas) are eliminated.

Israel doesn’t care what Brandon says about it.

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It happens in a war, no war is perfect.
I blame one who started the conflict.
This is ALL THEIR fault.

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That would be the English.

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One on purpose. The other was collateral damage.

What markings does Hamas put on their vehicles?

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Serious questions … Who is arming Hamas? Shouldn’t they have run out of bullets and rockets and bombs by now? And where are they getting their food and water for their soldiers?


Don’t look people…this is the truth. It’s more popular to listen to the idiots on college campuses around the nation. They’re sooooooooooo smart.


How about the aid from the pier we spent 320 million building being stolen?

No one saw that coming?



A good chunk of Biden’s $320 million pier has washed up on the beach along with army support vessels. The pier has had problems with rough seas, even though the Mediterranean in May is calm compared to most oceans. Was the design defective from the beginning?

The alleged purpose of the pier was to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza civilians. Of course, humanitarian aid could easily arrive by truck, but Israeli settlers and the Israeli government have blocked that from happening. Why should anything be better with aid that arrives from the pier?
