Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

That’s not the issue. The party in and of itself is not controlled by the first amendment. It acts as s private entity not as the government

You brought up the first amendment only then hedged with “and all”. Iike i said “nice”

Sure but not to further limitation of speech.

Don’t you think it would be wise for people in his circle of influence to tell him to knock off the crazy talk? That is the point I was making.

Now you’re hedging. Does the Democratic Party control what members of The Squad say?

No. If they don’t agree with him, they should say so. If he persists, they should distance themselves from him.

Well…there was peace and quiet before last October there.
What posessed someone to poke the bear?
Yes war sucks so … hey…next time keep your paws where they belong.

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They were brutaly attacked.
God forbid that they would get mad and defend them self…right? :roll_eyes:

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Of course they don’t but they pee all over them self in joy listenning to them. :wink: :wink:

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They sure don’t seem to care about the crazy crap Biden runs off at the mouth about.

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There is no hedge in my post but nice try.

There are ways that parties can try to establish control over what their members say. Numerous ways that include campaign finance, primary threat etc.

None of it has anything to do with the first amendment.

Why not just admit you made a mistake? It’s ok to do so. I am 100 percent certain that you are aware that the 1st only applies to the government and you made an unforced error.

This coming from true believers is precious.

If it receives federal funds, it must follow the same rules as centgov.

Is that true for any private entity that acts as employer but is also partially subsidized by fed funds?

All the private companies that received covid employment assistance?

Not trying to create absurd claims just trying to figure out the line

If they trying to pray at a school it is.

Sorry i don’t understand what you mean

Private Catholic schools in New York receive some government funding. School prayer is not banned in those schools.

Well, it should be.

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Yeah … And the Squad squawks on. :smirk:

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An American was one of seven aid workers killed by an IDF attack with three separate strikes that wiped out a marked convoy:

. . . Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the fatal attack on the convoy consisted of three separate missile strikes. The Haaretz report said aid workers removed their wounded colleagues from the vehicle that was hit in the first missile strike and transferred them to two surviving vehicles. But as they attempted to then escape, subsequent strikes on the second and third vehicles killed all seven workers.

Mr Kirby was asked by The Independent’s Andrew Feinberg on Tuesday about why the White House would accept the Israeli explanation of a “mistake” if there were second and third missile hits that appeared to target survivors and only cease once everyone in the convoy was killed.

“The Prime Minister and the IDF have noted that it was their error, if you don’t like the word mistake,” Mr Kirby said. “They’re investigating it. Let them do that work and let them see what they come up with. And then we’ll go from there.”

His words regarding a strike that killed an American citizen seemed tame in comparison to just two months ago, when the president himself issued a headline-making statement: “If you harm an American, we will respond.”
An American aid worker was killed by Israel. What will President Biden do about it?

Are American lives irrelevant when Israel is responsible for the deaths?

its a warzone. ■■■■ happens


Yes, murder of Americans is fine so long as Israel does it and American taxpayers are subsidizing it.

On the other hand, if Israelis die, it must be a war crime.

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