Israel at War - Hamas Attacks

Holy crap… can ya’ll get your party crazies under control.

What a lovely man of faith.

It’s bad enough they are bombing where they told civilians to go. Now this nutbag is advocating dropping atomic bombs on them. Insane…

Under control? Are you not familiar with the First Amendment?


He can say whatever he wants doesn’t make it any less bat ■■■■ crazy.

are you? The party is not the government…….

Or is it? :upside_down_face:

Did you look at the tweet?

It is when it wins.

But it continues to act as the party not as the government.

Telling its members not to suggest nuking Palestine isn’t a free speech violation

Yep. Why?

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Well it is, but it’s not a 1st Amendment violation.

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Does it receive federal funds?

I am referring to the word “control” not crazy.

If we were to begin controlling the crazy ■■■■ politicians say, we’d have a field day with your ilk.


You’re confused. We are talking about controlling speech of individuals. First Amendment and all …

The Party has no authority to control his speech either.

Ha. Nice!

Yes true.

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How do you propose they control what he says?

Why assume some sort of physical control?

Did I say physical?