Is white supremacy in central America driving the illegal invasion?

Yes, people who play the race card all the time bother me (certainly there are many Democrats who don’t do that) and I don’t think the US needs to sacrifice more in the name of climate change until India and China have done as much as us. That said, what I said earlier is still true. People of the same race can oppress each other.

Yeah no wrong

Being indigenous there is far worse then being indigenous here

Yeah no you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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There’s no mention any of what is happening there has to do with religion.

You only approve of a limited number of questions? This is a target rich environment.

Have you ever heard a democrat claim that any brown or black person is an oppressor before now?

Go ahead, take a shot.

Is that the only way people of the same race can oppress each other?

Yeah I do, sorry

The indigenous people of Central and South America don’t have nearly the same benefits or respect then the indigenous people of the States.

They are all Catholics. They are all the same race. Or combination of races. Look at the freaking pictures. They all look the same.

What race is the oppressor?

America is a combination of races…

When you picture South America do you picture just black and brown people? :laughing:

What is the race of the oppressor and what is the race of the oppressed?

People coming from Mexico or Central America are being oppressed by drug gangs and are usually the same race. Like I said, people of one race can oppress people of the same race.

Because Kamala says so? Have you seen any of the pictures of migrants? They all look the same. What is the race of the oppressor?

In the case of violence against women and the LGBTQ community, I’m assuming the races are the same.

Point being, that isn’t racial oppression.

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Why should anyone get asylum because they are a victim of domestic violence? Get a divorce, does central America not have divorce? Do we not have domestic violence here?

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That’s not what Kamala says. Not at all. Brown people do not oppress other brown people because they are brown people. Kamala claims, they are oppressed BECAUSE of their race.

Why do you believe her?

Yeah, no you don’t.

You’re being fed propaganda.

Maybe they shouldn’t, I don’t know. That’s not what Harris was arguing for. She just listed causes of immigration, which included violence against women and minority groups.

It’s propaganda.

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