Is this what they are charging Trump with?

Hillary will rat on him for a lighter sentence.

You’re right, Carter Page was the twentysomething who somehow had no real professional accomplishments after school and was actively pushing the Trump campaign to interact with Russia and even meet Putin.

Work out? He hasn’t even began the chastising of the traitors you admire.

Let’s see here.

We have your side’s predictions on the outcome of D5, which was about as eventful as Stormy’s description of the President’s sexual prowess.

Then we have your side’s predictions of D5, which was about as eventful as Stormy’s descriptions of the President’s sexual prowess.

Then we have the preludes to D7, which was a ■■■■■■■ bombshell of truth. The President implicated in multiple felonies, by more than abetting, but directing the commission of them.

No amount of Viagra will help D13 perform. Sorry, man. You keep going back to the same poison well.


Not that Presidents have people do any type of foreign dignitary work. Bahahahahahah

The guy with so many Russian contacts and outwardly pro Putin ideals that he was subject to a FISA warrant years before even hooking up with the Trump campaign.

Yeah… that guy.

Oh no. Another day of disappointment for you. But what is supposed to happen on D13?

Hubris or whatever is name is, will be testifying.

Oh, I’m sure it’s going to be so insightful. And then there well be something big coming on D20 that @Weedhopper will wait breathlessly for.

Campaign finance violations are not often prosecuted - usually just ends in a fine. but I suppose this case could be different - if trump was completely made aware of teh illegality of the payoffs, and did it anyway…which seems possible. that would change things.

Strange that you would think the death of 41 would stop this freighttrain or even Comey puppet show, the only thing you all need to remember is Trumps investigation is over and he’s coming for the Deepstate traitors.

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what happened to D5?

Disappointment? It’s entertainment watching you guys squirm.

There was a funereal.

Heck, Hillary laundered millions in campaign funds.

No squirming here. I can’t wait to hear what he testifies about. And then to see Mueller in handcuffs.

But then you said it was because Comey and Lynch hadn’t testified yet. Even though the whole thing was supposed to happen before they testified. It’s head spinning.

Yes, the Department of Homeland Security will come out with there voter fraud report before Christmas, I predict Democrats will lose seats in the House and Senate, they do rely on illegal votes for their elections.

Yes. Just look at the illegal democrat voting in NC. 3 or four people were just arrested in Ms for election fraud. I think they’re R’s.

The sad thing is that you assume to know what he is thinking. Don’t be so sad.