Is this the most despicable thing Biden has done?

That’s it?

I would think that Biden’s imitation of Daffy Duck is despicable…

:rofl: I got a letter from Jbiden taking credit for the $600 stimy from Dec.

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Let’s see it. Was it the form letter the IRS has been sending out?

Still not as bad as trying to destroy our electoral system just because he’s a sore loser.

trump set the bar so low.

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What a succinct summary!

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Also, while I do think Trump’s administration does deserve credit for Warp Speed, are we to pretend he is the only person who could have done it?

Come on over.

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‘Ol Joey from Scranton fibbing again? C’mon man :crazy_face:


Yup, comes in an IRS “official” envelope and contains an obviously mega copied form letter on “White House” letterhead. I was touched J’Biden reached out to me like that to remind me the stimmy was all his doing! A $600.00 down payment and another $1,400.00! Thanks Joe?

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The left already destroyed our electoral system when they pushed the russain farce.

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I’d go farther.

It’s more like a baseball pitcher coming into the game with a 10 run lead in the 9th inning, who was constantly badmouthing the previous pitcher, was predicting a loss, and giving away 9 runs before finally eeeeking out a win… and then taking total credit for the whole game.

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I never got my December stimulus. Lost in the mail (or stolen from my mailbox) I presume. Oh well, we donated the $600 my wife got and the $2800 we got in April to charities anyway. Whoever stole my money was stealing from them.


Of course not, but he was the guy in charge, not someone else. It’s sour grapes to say it was no big deal because anyone could have done it.


Really, the thanks should go to your grandkids … they are who will be paying for it.


Umm, I know this. Maybe my sarcasm is getting rusty?

But anybody could have done it. That’s not sour grapes, that’s just the truth.

We will have to coexist with COVID… wonder what the Chinese Communist Party is working on next to give us.

I thought you said what you said, just like I thought Biden claimed what Biden claimed.

No you are good.