Is this Biden's vision of "light, not darkness"?

Yes. I 100% understand that many people wanted to save the statues and went to the rally.
The fine people saw Nazi flags heard the chants, and realized this was not the protest they wanted to join. Some even joined the counter protesters against the Nazi (including a good friend of mine who is a huge Trump supporter but was outraged of Nazis invading her home town and turned her anger against them)

Then others thought “it’s ok. I see the Nazis point. Keeping statues is more important then being against Nazis. I’ll join em”

You And Trump think those people are very fine people.

I do not.

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Ok…so it’s just reported that the man who initiated that rally, just endorsed Biden. Now what? Is Biden now your boogey man?

Yup. And did Biden and his team say “well I don’t know anything about them but they like me so they must be great”, did he say “They are fine people”
Or did they say
“What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here.”

Thank you for proving how fine people should react when a Nazi and a white supremacists says they support them

The contrast between Biden and Trump could not be stated better…

Are you speaking of Qanon? What does Qanon do? It’s my understanding that their primary goal is to seek out and expose pedophiles on the internet. I don’t know much about them but please provide the evidence that led you to this harsh conclusion about them?

You are all over the place.

But Qanon theories are so nuts I haven’t bothered to dig into them

But I do know Trump adminstration has labeled them as a violent extremest group.

But Trump himself won’t condem them and praises them (just like you just did) because they support him

Again contrast that with Biden who doesn’t care if a white supremacists group supports him. He still calls em out and rejected their suport

Once again, the contrast could not be sharper.

Mostly peaceful means mostly peaceful.

Your bias is that he should have focused on the violence.

My question back to you would be “Why should he have focused on the violence?”

That and Obama racist past with Rev. Wright that divided America.

Oh there’s plenty of places for rioting and looting and destroying property and burning churches and destroying businesses. Places like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Milwaukee, Baltimore, etc. Know what they have in common?? :shushing_face:Democrat Mayor’s :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Yet somehow, this is Trump’s fault. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Amazing powers of reasoning you Libs have.

On looting and rioting Conservatives want to blame mayor’s and Govonors (well, only when convenient. They ignore the unrest that happened in Miami, jacksonville, and Fort Worth) but why only that.
Do they blame Govonors for states with the worst education (all Red States)
Or blame local Republican Govonors for hight poverty rate?

Do they credit the Mayor’s of the same Dem run cities that have the lowest unemployment rates in the nation?

Seems very selective

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It is. There’s a reason for that.

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Riots in Fort Worth? Oh, May 31st and the rioters were arrested. A couple of dozen.

You all keep throwing DC and other cities in there that havent had riots in months either.
I’ve seen a ton bring up Baltimore but there hasn’t been unrest from protestors since June 2nd

Once again, being very selective

One must, one has to enjoy the ‘no place for violence’ argument from the ‘cold dead hands fight the gummint, freeberty!’ crowd.

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Absolutely. Could it be about the level of rioting?

How bad was Miami and Jacksonville?

Baltimore is a ■■■■ hole. Shame too.

Is the destruction targeted at the gummint? What are they burning in Kenosha? Car dealerships?

Have you ever been to bmore?
Yes, there are def parts that are ■■■■■■■■■■
Do you think Jacksonville is all super nice? Are there places in Miami that are bad?

Is there a right wing guide somewhere?

Local mayor’s are responsible for looting and crime, unless the crime goes down or the Republicans is a mayor.
Civil unrest is result of mayor’s, unless it happened before June 1st, unless it’s Dem controlled?

Unemployment low is thanks to Trump, unless it spikes then it’s Dems fault. Or local mayor’s. Unless it’s really low on a city, that’s thanks to Trump.

Maybe a flow chart somewhere??

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You are free to believe that what is at issue here is the [alleged] targets.

He learned this from Obama.

Yes, I’ve been to Baltimore. Spent a week there.