Is this Biden's vision of "light, not darkness"?

Been to both. Yes, there are places. Baltimore is a ■■■■ hole.

No, they are always responsible for responding to rioting. The governors as well.

Mayors, governors and Presidents don’t create jobs, they create environments.

Where is unemployment really low in a city? Don’t try to use DC and you know why.

Alleged? You think they burned two car dealerships because they thought the government owned them?

They aren’t fighting back at the government, it is wanton destruction.

The protestors at the Chicago mayor’s house, that’s legit.

The lie is too juicy for libs to give it up.

The lie that Trump said in video tape from his mouth that everyone heard and he admits to saying.

Trump is part of the deep state!! He’s a anti Trumper!

But you don’t want to count fort worth but count baltimore depsite both cities unrest ended at same time??

Majority of the major cities with low unemployment are Dem run

More right wing selective.

This protest is legit
This one isn’t

Take over of federal property is always wrong, unless it’s gun rights or land rights, then it’s ok.

Seriously, a flow chart would be very helpful

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Again, level and response. Was Fort Worth the same level as Baltimore? Did Fort Worth go on for weeks? Were thugs arrested in Baltimore?

Are they? You can take DC off your list right off the bat.

How many of them have Republican governors?

Nashville, Memphis for sure. Birmingham. Austin.

And that article is from May. Be interesting to see what it looks like now.

Any protest is legit. Any rioting, looting and arson is not.

Sit ins of government facilities are always legit. Burning down private businesses is never legit.

Not selective.

I support BLM protests in the public square. Even on public streets in front of government official’s residences as long as they don’t involve violence or the threat of violence.

You’re barking up the wrong tree.

That is simply not true

Did baltimore go in for weeks? No
Were there arrests in baltimore? Yes
More selective thoughts, more fine tuning. Seriously, flow chart. Would def help.

Are you under the impression that DC isn’t a real city?
Over 700,000 people live here in the city. Pay taxes, work hard, 80% of them do not work for the federal government.

So now it’s about Govonors. Unless it’s a Republican gov then it’s about mayor’s, unless it’s Miami then it’s about dates, or something.

I’m getting lost with these ad-hoc rules you keep making up

It’s stronger than Trump’s condemnation of white supremacists and neo-nazis

April 18th - May 3rd weeks.

Were there arrests in baltimore? Yes


I know it’s not. The jobs are government. 80%? “Federal”? :rofl:.

It’s about both. How often does a governor do state preemptions? I know Austin has had some. What happened last week when they started talking about defunding their police?

They aren’t rules. You being lost is your problem. Triggered?

You have never done that once in the entire 8 years I have been a member here. Literally never, it’s always the same old “drip,drip,drip…just you wait”

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Not triggered. Kinda amused at your changing rules.
Fort worth unrest ended may 31st so they are good. Baltimore ended June 3rd so they are bad.

DC is not a real city despite 560,000 people living there and working for private sector out of 700,000
(Not even including the 6 mil that live in the DC area, majority working for private sector).

Crime is mayor’s issue, unless it’s under control and has a republican Govonor, then it’s thanks to them. If crime is bad it’s def the mayor, unless it’s FL or TX, then its Bidens fault, somehow…

I totally agree

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And that is how you denounce piece of ■■■■ white supremacists

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Do you really really honestly and truly believe that riots in Seattle, Portland, etc, are to be brought under control by ANYONE in DC? Last I heard, police departments and their chiefs are directed by a cities Mayor. Am I wrong on this? Is this just a con talking point? The federal government has jurisdiction on federal property. That’s why Donald Trump sent federal officers to cities like Portland to protect federal property. In reality, the city police should be first responders in securing federal properties because it isn’t in a cities best interest to allow a federal courthouse to be burned to the ground, especially when that courthouse is in the middle of the city. The local, state and federal officers COOPERATE with each other because ENFORCING THE LAW IS SOMETHING THEY ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO DO!!

Do you remember what happened when Trump sent those federal officers to Portland? Do you remember what Lib JACKASS Lori Lightfoots response was to Trump wanting to send officers to Chicago?

Apparently you don’t seem to understand the difference between the various functions of Government at Federal, state and local levels. You don’t understand who makes the policies at each level and those whose job it is to enforce the enacted policies.

You also don’t seem to understand that even when policy is set at the Federal level, that governors often tell the Federal Government to pound sand. The fact is that the 50 Governors of the states have more control over what happens in their state than the federal government. By the same line of reasoning, the mayor’s have more control over what happens in their city than their governor.

Schools used to teach these things, but I guess global warming, political correctness and tolerance, the normalcy of perversions and the wonderful fairness of socialism and communism are much more important.

Now repeat after me: TRUMPS FAULT!!!

You don’t know much about the group you’ve been defending for the last 2 years?

Not rules, factors.

DC private sector jobs are completely dependent on government. Are you discounting city government? If you are, that’s a mistake.

I agree. Biden’s thought processes are not functioning normally.