Is the Mueller team afraid to release the report?

Manafort also discussed Russian sanctions relief at that same meeting.

That’s mighty collusion-y for “nO coLlusHUn!!”

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Bob Mueller ain’t afraid of ■■■■■


For something that is supposedly not against the law, there sure are a lot of people lying about it.

He has?

Unless he indicts those that were colluding with Russia he isn’t taking his job seriously.

He could find that Trump did no wrong.

If those are the findings I will accept them.

Will you?

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No…unless we have seriously investigation into CoJ, FBI, NSA and CIA colluding with Obama administration to get Hillary elected…and then to undermine Trump presidency.

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So if Meuller clears Trump it won’t make you happy unless there is a completely separate investigation that is counter factual to reality.

K then.


Are you not concern about the abuse of power by our top federal agencies?

How does he seem stuck up to you?

Compare Mueller and his team with Ken Starr and his investigation of Bill Clinton.

The Starr investigation leaked like a sieve. The Mueller investigation has not leaked at all. Starr was giving informal press conferences. Mueller has made no public statements.

And you suspect Mueller’s integrity. Curiouser and curiouser.

It’s amazing to see people call his integrity into question repeatedly in this thread. Why is that?

That is not the scope of the Meuller investigation.

The President is on his third Attorney General if he isn’t doing anything about your complaint, that is on the President


Great point. I agree completely. The corruption of the Department of Education, the Energy Department, the FCC, the EPA and others under Trump’s leadership has been absolutely appalling.


Meuller has made one statement and that was to smack down buzzfeed.

I agree with @conan

Agreed. And the DOJ, FBI under Obama.

Excellent catch. I had forgotten about that.

That no matter what you will not accept the result even if it clears Trump because of the muddiness that the CEC has injected into this?

So very weird.


One man and one party can begin the investigations immediately. Unless he’s in on it.

But I don’t blame Obama.

I do blame Trump for his.