Is the Mueller team afraid to release the report?

Exactly what has Mueller done that is “heroic”?

is this a serious question?

How sad it is that people who voted for a Vietnam draft dodger would even dare to ask this, let alone claim it’s Mueller without integrity.

At least one of Trump’s lawyers had some class to recognize a man’s life of service and heroism.

“I think Bob Mueller is an American hero,” Cobb said. “I think Bob Mueller is a guy that, even though he came from an arguably privileged background, has a backbone of steel. He walked into a firefight in Vietnam to pull out one of his injured colleagues.”

No one is stupid. You’re either ignoring or forgetting the fact that Trump made clear in that same press conference where he asked Russia to hack America that he wasn’t joking.

Do you have any qualms, about asking a foreign government, Russia, China, or anybody, to interfere, to hack into a system of anybody in this country? Does that not give you pause??


No qualms about it. No problem with it. He even blamed Obama for it at one point.

He wasn’t up there giving fonzie fingers saying heeeeeeyyyyyyy. He wasn’t at a standup comedy stage. He was speaking from his own dias, and confirmed to multiple reporters at the time he meant what he was saying. It’s all on video, ya know. Later, as the hacks were being released, Trump declared he loved wikileaks.


No he didnt…its amazing how he pushes out a lie easily fact checked and you supporters just roll with it like its throwing a ball…

You cannot hack that which is already deleted.

Her emails were already deleted.

He was joking that the only way we are ever going to see what she was trying to hide was if the Russians had already hacked her server, which the FBI said was possible, and they then “find” then for the press to see, or show them to the press. He DID NOT tell them to hack her. He said, “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

AGAIN, you cannot hack that which is already deleted - “MISSING”, so he cannot ask them to do it.

Wrong again.


See post above.

You CANNOT hack emails that are already deleted.

You can ask the Russians to show what she was trying to hide, if in fact they did get into her server. And that is what he did, joking that this was the only way we are ever going to know what it was she was trying to hide from us

Try again.


it wasnt a joke…try your ■■■■■■■■ someplace else.


so, answer this question:

How do you ask someone to hack a server to look for emails that have already been deleted, if you are serious about it?

Seriously. Answer that.

I’m sorry to take away another cherished talking point from the left but it just isn’t there and you will have to get along without it.


So either Trump made a dumb comment or he meant he just wanted Russia to find emails belonging the Hilary. Which do you prefer to believe?

What I believe is what I said.

He was joking that the only way we are ever goiing to see the emails she already desperately deleted was if the Russians had hacked her server, as the FBI said was possible, and that the American press would love to see them, if they had them.

Why would that be a dumb comment??? That WOULD be the only way and the press would have loved to see them.

The only DUMB thing is trying to say he wanted them to hack her server after the emails in question were already gone - “missing” as he said - and when the server was offline and in the possession of the FBI.

That is the utter NONSENSE some on the left are trying to sell.

He was riffing off what the FBI had recently stated - that Clinton’s home-brew server was likely hacked by one or more foreign states, while she was SecState.

Just another reason she should have been charged with a crime, by the way.


You havent answered my question yet about the new zealand killer…so ill afford you the same courtesy…

( as of this post i havent checked that thread)

I have already said that I’m not going to comment on any statements from the killer. He and his thoughts are not impotant to me.

And I have already said that if you have comments from anyone else, I’ll be happy to entertain them and decide what to comment or if to comment.


Exactly…you refute but not comment…therefore your question won’t be answered…ever…

You keep asking me to comment on his manifesto. I am not going to play your game.

You said his comments reflect the veiws of so many others, then give me THEIR comments and I’ll be happy to entertain commenting on them.


Youre talking about of both sides of your mouth in this paragraph. You simultaneously are trying to tell us why its ok to seriously ask a foreign power to hack your country and that he was joking.

Both points of view are wrong. He was serious, its not a good thing to do. Not even a thing to joke about, even though he clearly wasn’t. These things are plainly obvious.

It seems to me it would be easier for a Trumpster to just admit they don’t care Trump does these things than to try to attempt to subvert obvious, recorded, clear as day reality.

It wasn’t a joke. Man I weep for the people that are being targeted as marks by this conman. Buy a mirror and reflect Marky.

This presumes Trump has any basic knowledge or understanding of technology, which he doesn’t. Also, this does not account for the GRU actively attempting to breach Clintons personal email servers and accounts immediately following this request (not joke) by Trump of the Russians. Which is actually further proof that her private server was not previously hacked by them.

It was not a joke. He was completely and totally serious. And he had no clue whether or not her emails had been deleted or not when he made the request. Your fantasy about Trump’s technological prowess notwithstanding.

This presumes knowledge of the inner thoughts of the idiot that is Donald Trump.