Is the Government shutdown a good thing?

So savings is now deemed as “Mexico is paying for the wall”?

When I save $20 on my next purchase from Walmart, I will be sure to state that Walmart is paying for my entire purchase.


Your comparison isn’t a relevant one and again displays your erroneous logic.

Please elaborate…

Illegal immigration is a sure thing. Our expenses exceed 100 billion annually as a direct result of illegal immigration. The border wall will almost completely stop illegal border crossings. We also need to address employers who employ illegal aliens and prosecute them.

I should fact check that 100 billion claim… but let’s go with that. Since I like seeing both sides of the coin, how much revenue do illegal aliens bring?

Also do have you have any studies that show that a border wall will stop crossings “almost completely”. Also do you believe we need a wall to do that or can we just cut off their incentive to be here illegally in the first place (jobs)?

Also I would like to add that you are talking about the wall being sold as an investment in our defense. That is a much different argument than what was sold during the campaign. Trump never mentioned the investment and the ROI of a wall. He simply said Mexico will pay for it… which means zero risk for taxpayers.

They remove billions annually from our economy by sending the money back to those they left behind.

Are suggesting they wouldn’t do that if they were legal citizens?

I remember going without pay while deployed during the shutdown in 2011. People were whining about the Troops not getting paid just like people are whining that XYZ employees aren’t getting paid now.

We killed people for free until the gov opened back up, and then we got all of our back pay, and the world didn’t end.

I am suggesting that they are not assimilating.

So? I don’t understand where you are going… since you aren’t being forthcoming I can only assume that you are suggesting that we don’t take migrants from our southern neighbors… or that as a part of their citizenship, the US tracks where they send money to make sure they aren’t giving it to their Mexican family in Mexico?

E pluribus unum

You keep avoiding answering my questions…

Why should we care where people send their money? Do you want the same scrutiny for Chinese immigrants?

I would rather they do away with the TSA

When will we see these savings?

Are they here legally? If they are, it’s their choice.

Camp makes a funny.



Estimate on annual savings?