Is the democratic party in full panic mode?

Is the Democratic Party the Party of criminals because they helped finance the phony Russian dossier. That would explain their behavior.

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Uh, yes, contemporaneous memos, which in the year 2019 can involve electronic word-processing and communication systems, are a fantastic way to record important details, especially when you need to cover your ass. People with important jobs who make consequential decisions do this on a daily basis. It’d be crazy not to do it.

Are you really saying this should have been on a napkin to achieve authenticity or something?

Wait, didn’t the Republicans bring in outside counsel to question Ford? Don’t you have it backwards?

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Then why hasn’t Trump locked them up for the last 2 years?

Lol, I’ll give you all the time you need to answer that.

Yes and who was complaining later when that outside counsel actually did their job in questioning the Democrats’ star witness? It wasn’t Republicans. Stellar job trying to twist the point though. This time around the Dems would have brought their own in. Again, no wonder Barr didn’t play along.

No…its not

Hilarious. So Dems allowed outside counsel to question Ford, but Barr (a ■■■■■■■ lawyer) can’t even handle that, and so refuses to testify at all?

And you think you’ve made a point? Amazing.

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Right now? Biden isnt a bad choice if he only does 4 years. He can bring in the midwest I believe better than Warren or Harris. Sanders has his normal base but is too far left for the nation. You cant just slam people with a ton of stuff and expect them to jump on…

So I’m looking at a Biden Harris ticket and she preps for 2024 as the first woman president…since it’s become quite clear the black women vote is super important now

If Republicans brought in outside counsel “to actually do their job” in questioning Ford, why wouldn’t you want outside counsel to “actually do their job” and question Barr?

Why didn’t Barr play along, again? You’re saying it’s because Republicans used outside counsel on Ford and he didn’t like that?

Allowed. Too funny.

I already gave my opinion. Lets wait and see how this plays out. Shall we?

Are you forgetting he already testified yesterday for five hours? What questions do you think they were saving for outside counsel that couldn’t have been just as easily asked yesterday exactly?

thread killed on post #2? damn :laughing:

And your first instinct was to scurry to the forum to tell us what an entertainer is paid to tell you what to think. And you happily obliged? Wow.

There are not enough laugh emjois for the snowflakiness of this statement.

Sounds like you and Rush need to read the report.

There is literally nothing stopping them from doing so.

It would behoove EVERYONE to not let entertainers tell them what to think.

And you and Rush REALLY want us to think that, by refusing to testify to the House today, that Barr is committed to uncovering the “truth” about the “Russia debacle?”

Yep. It’s a totally hostile environment with only one purpose. To get Barr. Why would he play that game? I definitely would not be making it easy for those scoundrels.

Dems tried to have a hearing today and Barr was supposed to testify. He didn’t show. So go on, and tell us all about who doesn’t want investigations.

Ironic, huh? This is why it’s terribly unwise to let entertainers think for you.

Time will tell. This investigation is just getting started. You do agree that this is going to be fun. Right? :clown_face:

One has to wonder why, with the GOP holding everything from 2017 to 2019, they didn’t do these investigations (or at least start them) then?

Congressional oversight of the Executive Branch is a game?