Is the democratic party in full panic mode?

Send the Sergeant at arms his way.

Lawyers ask much better questions than Congress critters. They are trained to do it. They also don’t give 5 minute speeches before they ask their questions. It’s really quite effective when lawyers speak to each other. It’s kind of like letting a doctor perform a surgery instead of letting 15 highschoolers with a passion for science try to do it all at once.

Also, if the AG is maxed out over a “5 hour hearing” that has literally captivated the country for the past two years, then maybe he isn’t really cut out for this.

Reasonable. I mean for your demented liberal agenda and all. Don’t want to go too far left as to be unattractive to indi’s but just want to get in office and push the lib agenda.

What a shame…what is this world coming to when liars are called liars? Give that AG a fainting couch!

We should all remember that we can do that…all we have to do is cry about how the cops inferred that we were lying…and we won’t appear in court until we get an apology.

There already was one. It lasted over two years. No finding of collusion or obstruction. They are not going to change the results by spending a week insulting Barr. It was Mueller’s finding anyway. It’s over. The dems are still in denial. Give them a week or two to get over the shock of another devastating defeat.


RIght-wing snowflakiness from some is hitting an all-time high.

So Barr shouldn’t testify to the House until some big old meaniehead senators “apologize” for what exactly?

This demanding an apology thing from right-wingers seems to be a pattern lately. How entitled would they have to be to demand such an apology? And if that’s the precedent going forward, Trump and the GOP have A LOT of apologizing to do before they can expect others to work with them.

Are you aware that the Senate is not the House?

Wrong. Read the report.

No, that wasn’t his finding.

Turn off the entertainers. Do some reading.

Q. Who started the russian dossier?

A. the GOP

Hillary testified for 11 hours straight when she was apparently knocking on Death’s door. What’s Barr’s excuse?

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Too bad the dems don’t get to decide who is cut out for it. It’s the President’s choice. Not theirs. Too bad so sad. :pleading_face:

That is correct. Good catch.

If you never start them, you can always tell your base you will start them. The latter is far more valuable.

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Because…everyone is in on the deep state plot against donnie and the “real Americans”…or something something

100% correct. But it’s not “too bad.” That’s actually exactly how it’s supposed to work under the Constitution.

He doesn’t need one. He can just simply decide that he’s done. He answered all the questions. If they don’t like it, then sorry about their luck. Later Gator.

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That you think he is “maxed out” and not simply refusing to participate in the circus the Democrats are making it into is both funny and a little sad, honestly.

He didn’t answer all the questions. That’s the point.

I know you really like what he’s doing, but you know it flies in the face of balance-of-powers and Congressional oversight. That’s not even debatable. This is the Executive branch telling the Legislative branch to go ■■■■ themselves, solely because Donald Trump is the president. This is like fast-food constitutional law. It tastes good now but oh boy will it wreck you later.

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Naw, he’s maxed out for sure. And a congressional hearing is a circus? That’s good to know for future reference.