Is the Biden plan to balloon our population a good idea?

I didn’t know you consider Bernadette Lancelin as a TrumpCon and isolationist.

Why does the Democrat Party Leadership, after being elected to power, turn their backs on the very people who put them in power?

Why is the Biden Administration refusing to prevent a massive influx of children from Central America, which is overburdening America’s inner city schools and disrupting the educational needs of United States taxpayer’s children?

Public Schools Struggle to Accommodate Unaccompanied Migrant Children

“Undocumented and unaccompanied migrant children, particularly among Hispanic populations, are rapidly increasing in number, especially in the southern United States. Federal law requires public schools to provide services to all children. Yet, many schools are struggling to accommodate this new wave of potential students who come to them without parents or guardians, while some municipalities are flat out refusing to accommodate these children.”

Why are the children of American Citizens forced to take a back seat because of the Biden Administration’s refusal to prevent a massive influx of foreign alien children?


The unavoidable truth is, our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, have a plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt. The problem is, it will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

There’s non plan and/or desire on the left to stop it though. Democrats policy on immigration is simply this - if you get here you can stay here.

The voters were bad and need to be replaced.

Are we running out of room?

Defending our border from illegal entry is now isolationism. Interesting.

It’s cute you think that this lady was complaining about Biden…when the screen shot of the start of this video has a crawl that says Good Morning, It is Wednesday July 9th. The last Wednesday July 9th we have had was in 2014.

LOL…She was bitching about OBAMA and his white house. Be more careful. LOL your post means nothing since it was from almost 7 years ago…How long have you been holding on to this to roll out for a completely unrelated incident. I know…you’re going to say Biden was the vice president. But let’s face it…Maybe after having such anger toward OBAMA, she did vote for Trump in 2016.

Are you suggesting that because she is black, she voted for Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Hmm??? Who is to say she isn’t, or back then almost 7 years ago…was looking to vote for someone who was going to change her plight


Actually yes, classrooms that is. The communities with high illegal immigrant populations have over crowded classrooms and underfunded schools. LAUSD is classic example of this which prompted the strike a couple of years back. Here’s a good take on this:

"Many schools across America are still grappling with the huge influx of young people from Central
America that arrived in 2014. These students were dispersed throughout the country, forcing school
officials in many communities (some of which were not accustomed to taking in international students and were unprepared for them) to make major adjustments in schools that often stretch resources to the limit. Scott Kitzner, the superintendent of schools in Harrisonburg, Virginia makes it clear by stating: “The reality is this: The federal government gives us basically no money to support these children, so the funding is coming from the state budget and mostly from the local budget.”"

Personally I found the whole article to be a good read:

The fact is that education and healthcare are the two most expensive aspects of American life, and this notion that the American taxpayer should be responsible to pay the costs of that for any and every person who gets on on our soil is insane and economically unsustainable.

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In case you missed it, Bernadette Lancelin is complaining about an Administration’s policies which refused to prevent foreigners from invading our borders, and once in, used United States Citizen’s tax revenue to support the economic needs of the flood of foreigners which invaded the borders of the United States . . .

which is what the Biden Administration is now doing.


Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

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I can see why this might be a problem if we are primary funding schools via property taxes and many immigrants are probably living in low-income areas. Sounds like another reason why we should overhaul how we fund our public school system.

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What is nonsense are your assertions. The truth is, the United States Supreme Court refused to give an evidentiary hearing to the Texas Lawsuit, review the “evidence”, listen to sworn witnesses, and then render a decision based upon the evidence and facts.


When our federal judicial system ignores the rule of law and our written Constitutions, Federal and State, and assents to acts contrary to the established rule of law, it not only opens the door to anarchy, but participates in and encourages such treachery.

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And we all know what your method is:

“From each according to their ability to pay, to each who needs help living a decent life.” ___ fallenturtle LINK


When it comes to healthcare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens.

The opportunity has been there for any supporter of the '2020 election fraud" to present their evidence. They have singularly failed to so in any forum.

Damn dude, I wasn’t even directly conversing with you and you already made it personal.

On the other hand I’m honored that I’m now included in your archive of pre-written responses, quotes, and videos. I’ve been assimilated into the johnwk hivemind!

Water and other domestic resources.

Repeating the same inaccurate information does not make it so.

Here is the Texas BILL OF COMPLAINT which the United States Supreme Court refused to give an evidentiary hearing to, review “evidence”, listen to sworn witnesses, and then render a decision based upon the evidence and facts presented.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

The USA Supreme Court was not the only place or forum where they could have ventilated their claims and provided supporting evidence.

Has someone done the math to determine if the annual increase in the immigrant population will have much of an influence on that compared to the rest of the US population?

Without immigration our population wouldn’t increase or at least grow pretty slowly.

I completely got what she was complaining about almost 7 years ago. It’s timely is what it is… :man_facepalming:

Is there evidence that with immigration our population will increase too fast?