Is the Biden plan to balloon our population a good idea?

Immigration is used here to correct the imbalance between working age workers and pensioners that is bedeviling Western Europe and Japan at the moment, more specifically.

Stumbling Joe is a Baffoon. Kamaalaa will be taking over after the 25th…

We got lots of problems now.

Used by whom? Who is in charge of this master plan?

Who is the puppet master? It ain’t stumbling Joe. His immagration plan was decided by some real strange folks.

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Even if it were true, which it’s not, it would only apply to legal immigration. Which is not the issue.

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Illegal to legal is the plan. I really hate to be saying this. It is all about votes.


You wouldn’t understand.

I thought so.


Revised boring version: That’s a silly conspiracy theory.


Getting back to the subject of the thread, is it really a good idea for the Biden Administration to flood our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, disease carrying and criminal populations of other countries? Is such action really promoting the general welfare of the United States and their citizens?


They are neither “liberal”, “progressive”, nor are they Republican or Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Socialist Revolutionaries and Globalists who continue to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which America’s labor, business and investors have worked to create.

Quoting your fundamental philosophy and applying it to the economic needs of those who have and are invading our borders is making the conversation “personal”? Please explain.


Our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.


It’s personal because you quoted me from an old thread and that quote is tangential to my post you were replying to (not to mention you didn’t use the forum quote feature which leads me to believe you had this saved in a text file somewhere).

And insult to injury the triple underscores preceding the attribution… use a nice emdash or something!

Why does “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” come to mind?

Well stumbling Joe could not even get into Air Force One. There is no conspiracy there.

We must all refuse to be ballooned!

What are you talking about? He got in to the airplane. I was referring to the conspiracy of Harris taking over, but is this a new conspiracy theory, that he didn’t actually get into the airplane?

Flooding the nation with uneducated, impoverished people who don’t speak the language is not a way to grow an economy.

That’s before we had a generous welfare state.

The money’s got to come from somewhere. It’s not like the people who pay property taxes wouldn’t pay another type of tax. One way or another flooding our schools with illegal immigrant children is a tax on Americans. And in a state like NJ it costs over $30,000 on average to educate an illegal immigrant child. Then when you factor in healthcare, housing, meals, etc., it’s more like over $50,000. So the fact is that Democrats are indeed raising taxes on the middleclass.

Because you like little poems to determine our country’s policies?

I don’t.