Is the Biden plan to balloon our population a good idea?

Remember, his plan is unlimited population growth through immigration. There is no upper limit. Just keep adding and adding and adding. No number is too high.

Is this a good idea? Is there a downside?

Ready. Go!

Well if that is his plan, I am against it.

Where has he stated this is his plan?

It is not a good idea to fill our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, disease carrying a criminal populations of other countries.

In fact, doing so disproportionately affects American Citizens living in our nation’s inner cities, in a devastating way.

It’s time for the Democrat Party Leadership to start listening to American Citizens like
Bernadette Lancelin:





Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK


Really? Where have you been? He said he will stop all deportations. Even criminals. If you get here, you stay here. That by definition is unlimited immigration.

He has stated it many times. Want me to find it for you?

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What is his plan to limit immigration? It’s either limited or unlimited. It cannot be both.

Crowded countries are miserable countries. All of them.

Vastly increased populations are supposed to be good for the GDP. That’s why most people would rather live in Pakistan or India than Denmark.


I found this:

During a March 2020 Democratic primary debate, Biden said that during his administration’s first 100 days, “no one, no one will be deported at all. From that point on, the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the United States of America.”

Ahh. The ole population pyramid scheme. Works every time. :smirk:

And U.S. public schools crowded with the children of Central America’s children has a devastating effect on the children of American citizens.

See: US schools — and students — will pay a price for Biden’s open borders for minors

March 16, 2021

"In 2014, New York City schools rolled out the red carpet for 1,662 migrants from Central America, committing a whopping $50 million for special programs. At the time, parents asked the question they should be asking again now: Why is the federal government allowing this influx of needy students when New York City already has its own challenges? Over half the city’s students read below grade level.

President Biden seems oblivious. Last week he announced a program to enable Central American children to apply for admission to the United States from their home country. That would spare them the dangerous trek. But it doesn’t alleviate the strain on our schools."

The article goes on to point out how “The Democratic Party pays lip service to reducing economic inequality. But Dems’ open-border policy is doing the opposite — fostering a permanent underclass working for low wages.”

Why do American Citizens keep voting for the very leaders who continually put American Citizens Last?


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

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I see. So anyone who sneaks in without a criminal record gets to stay? That’s his plan? That’s sounds like pretty unlimited growth to me.

Do me a favor. Let me know as soon as Biden deports his first criminal. Ok?

You’re in denial. It’s a population boom plan. Nothing is in place to prevent it. Not a thing.

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God only knows.

Look, American consumer product market is saturated, Charmin and Crest needs more Americans. That should be good enough for you.

You see what you want to see.

Deportations didn’t stop, so he probably has. Not sure how I would prove it though since I’m unaware of a list of who’s been deported and for what reasons.

I’m not in denial. There is no plan to boom the population. And how do you even measure that? What percentage of population growth in a year is a “boom”?

He appears to be deporting people anyway, so that’s a “thing”.

By any means, so long as Anglophilic dead-enders become just another non-special demographic.

I see thousands of people jumping to the head of the immigration line, crashing our border and being told they can stay. With absolutely no plan to limit their numbers. I actually don’t want to see that. But that’s the reality. If you see something different, then it’s because you see what you want to see. Take off your blinders and cool it with the Biden worship.


Really? How many? Two? Three? How is that better than zero? Let in 10,000, send one home.

Population boom.

The US population in 2019 was 328.2 million. “Thousands” is not a population boom.

So much for that.

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Really? Do you have a link to this being Biden’s plan?