Is the Biden campaign based on a lie?

They weren’t “marching side by side” with the NN’s.

How did Obama enable the cop?

I don’t know that it was a mistake. Can you explain please?

Simply facts, sorry if it left you chapped.

Feelings, not facts. And feelings directed at a poster, at that

Are BLM and Antifa and just plain people who oppose police brutality supposed to be absolved for choosing to march side by side with arsonists and murderers?

Oh. Please go on!

“Whatabout” noted.

If a poster goes up saying “join these murderers and arsonists” and people join with them, you’ll have a like comparison.

They were marching side by side with neo-nazis at the neo-nazi organized event whose sole intention was to promote the pro-white movement


Hypocrisy noted.

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You have yet to provide any


And they are marching side by side with thugs whose sole intention is to riot, burn and murder to promote anarchy.

Is this “mod hominem”?

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Then let me say it this way and I’ll drop this cuz I’m done but if Gates were here in Hannity Land and he treated you like he did that cop, he’d have a serious “time out” for contempt of mod…amirite? :sunglasses:


Until the first riot, perhaps. After that, it is known. And the first riot was years ago.

No, it is not. Is there a mod note in that post? You don’t get to do that.

Nor did I call you anything.

Yes, anyone who remained once rioting broke is complicit in my mind. The difference I see is the Unite the Right rally started off as a pro-white movement while the BLM rallies started as one thing but turned into another

There a dozen reasons a person marching for racial justice and against police brutality is not the same as deliberately showing up to a white power rally, advertised as a white power rally, and marching with neo nazis.


I wouldn’t treat Gates like the cop did. Amirite? :sunglasses:

right. their agenda is purely political.

that simple

It was. It addressed the poster as a personal attack.

Can’t even believe it’s being argued. Thats exactly what is was.

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