Is the Biden campaign based on a lie?

By screaming at and cussing out the cops and refusing to prove it was his own house.

He then continued it after.

The officer politely asks for ID and the individual politely shows it, proving they are the home owner. All is then good, life goes on…no problem. See how easy this can be? Gates didn’t do that, now did he?

Nor was the arrest for breaking and entering. It was for lack of deference.

He doesn’t have to.

He doesn’t have to prove “it’s his own house”. They have to prove it isn’t and that he is committing a crime.

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You do if you don’t want to feel the bite of the cuffs and take the ride. He admitted breaking in.

Different people can have different motivations for showing up to protest…along side white nationalists.

Rings a little differently in context.

Thank you.

K. In my world, I want to but then again, I’m not a pompous, arrogant, holier than thou individual like Gates who then gets arrested for disorderly conduct…which he was.

Or alongside murderers and arsonists.

You will not get push back from me that the arrest was outright wrong.

That’s why I replied in Obama lead the way of enabling this one cop’s isolated bad behavior.

Why don’t you and others also admit here Obama and Biden with this beer summit ideas was also a mistake?

In your world it’s your choice. The cop was holier than thou. He got his feelings hurt.

No it doesn’t. You just want to paint everyone with the same broad brush to push your false narrative.

When ANTIFA infiltrates a BLM protest and initiates the violence are all the peaceful protesters to blame?

Whatabout murders and arsonists. Weird off topic deflection from people showing up to march side by side with white nationalists.

Libs lost the moral authority to use the “good people on both sides” argument with the rioting vs. protests.

Which clearly shows there are good and bad people on both sides.

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“You, you, you, blah blah.”

More of the same.

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more accurately…Gates got arrested, the video of him being an ass shown to the entire world and the officer got a beer with the POTUS. :sunglasses:

They are marching side by side with good people protesting police brutality. Using them for cover. Corrupting their cause.

The Constitution was written to protect the rights of people being asses. Being an ass is not illegal.

and what does that have to do with neo confederates and white power types marching side by side? Are the confederates supposed to be innocently absolved or something for choosing to march with white nationalists?